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(-)Asym./Biol. Unit
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(-) Description

Authors :  N. Ban, P. Nissen, J. Hansen, P. B. Moore, T. A. Steitz
Date :  25 Jul 00  (Deposition) - 14 Aug 00  (Release) - 24 Feb 09  (Revision)
Resolution :  2.40
Chains :  Asym./Biol. Unit :  A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,0,1,9
Keywords :  Ribosome Assembly, Rna-Rna, Protein-Rna, Protein-Protein (Keyword Search: [Gene Ontology, PubMed, Web (Google))
Reference :  N. Ban, P. Nissen, J. Hansen, P. B. Moore, T. A. Steitz
The Complete Atomic Structure Of The Large Ribosomal Subunit At 2. 4 A Resolution.
Science V. 289 905 2000
PubMed-ID: 10937989  |  Reference-DOI: 10.1126/SCIENCE.289.5481.905
(for further references see the PDB file header)

(-) Compounds

Molecule 1 - 23S RRNA
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
Molecule 2 - 5S RRNA
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Synonym50S RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN L18E, HL29, L19
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Synonym50S RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN L23P, HMAL23, HL25, L21
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Synonym50S RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN L24P, HMAL24, HL16, HL15
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Synonym50S RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN L24E, HL21/HL22
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Synonym50S RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN L30P, HMAL30, HL20, HL16
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Synonym50S RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN L31E, L34, HL30
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS
    Organism Taxid2238
    Other DetailsCULTURED CELLS

 Structural Features

(-) Chains, Units


Summary Information (see also Sequences/Alignments below)

(-) Ligands, Modified Residues, Ions  (3, 7)

Asymmetric/Biological Unit (3, 7)
No.NameCountTypeFull Name

(-) Sites  (4, 4)

Asymmetric Unit (4, 4)
2AC2SOFTWAREG 0:2102 , G 0:2482 , C 0:2536BINDING SITE FOR RESIDUE K 0 2924
3AC3SOFTWAREA 0:2483 , A 0:2532 , C 0:2533 , C 0:2534 , HOH 0:2927 , HOH 0:2928 , HOH 0:2929BINDING SITE FOR RESIDUE MG 0 2925
4AC4SOFTWAREG 0:627 , G 0:2482 , A 0:2483 , C 0:2534 , HOH 0:2930 , HOH 0:2931 , HOH 0:2932BINDING SITE FOR RESIDUE MG 0 2926

(-) SS Bonds  (0, 0)

(no "SS Bond" information available for 1FFK)

(-) Cis Peptide Bonds  (0, 0)

(no "Cis Peptide Bond" information available for 1FFK)

 Sequence-Structure Mapping

(-) SAPs(SNPs)/Variants  (2, 2)

Asymmetric/Biological Unit (2, 2)
No.SourceVariant IDVariantUniProt IDStatusIDChainVariant
1UniProtVAR_RL6_HALMA_001 *R3SRL6_HALMA  ---  ---1R2S
2UniProtVAR_RL6_HALMA_002 *E24SRL6_HALMA  ---  ---1E23S
   * ID not provided by source

  SNP/SAP Summary Statistics (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot)

(-) PROSITE Motifs  (23, 23)

Asymmetric/Biological Unit (23, 23)
1RIBOSOMAL_L37EPS01077 Ribosomal protein L37e signature.RL37_HALMA5-24  1X:4-23
2RIBOSOMAL_L19EPS00526 Ribosomal protein L19e signature.RL19E_HALMA7-26  1M:6-25
3RIBOSOMAL_L24EPS01073 Ribosomal protein L24e signature.RL24E_HALMA9-26  1R:8-25
4RIBOSOMAL_L30PS00634 Ribosomal protein L30 signature.RL30_HALMA20-52  1T:20-52
5RIBOSOMAL_L39EPS00051 Ribosomal protein L39e signature.RL39_HALMA29-45  1Y:28-28
6RIBOSOMAL_L18EPS01106 Ribosomal protein L18e signature.RL18E_HALMA32-49  1L:31-48
7RIBOSOMAL_L21EPS01171 Ribosomal protein L21e signature.RL21_HALMA37-62  1N:36-61
8RIBOSOMAL_L5PS00358 Ribosomal protein L5 signature.RL5_HALMA42-58  1D:41-57
9RIBOSOMAL_L29PS00579 Ribosomal protein L29 signature.RL29_HALMA43-57  1S:42-56
10RIBOSOMAL_L24PS01108 Ribosomal protein L24 signature.RL24_HALMA46-63  1Q:45-62
11RIBOSOMAL_L31EPS01144 Ribosomal protein L31e signature.RL31_HALMA49-63  1U:48-62
12RIBOSOMAL_L44EPS01172 Ribosomal protein L44e signature.RL44E_HALMA60-71  1Z:60-71
13RIBOSOMAL_L23PS00050 Ribosomal protein L23 signature.RL23_HALMA63-78  1P:62-77
14RIBOSOMAL_L7AEPS01082 Ribosomal protein L7Ae signature.RL7A_HALMA68-85  1E:67-84
15RIBOSOMAL_L14PS00049 Ribosomal protein L14 signature.RL14_HALMA71-97  1H:71-97
16RIBOSOMAL_L13PS00783 Ribosomal protein L13 signature.RL13_HALMA83-106  1G:83-106
17RIBOSOMAL_L1EPS00939 Ribosomal protein L1e signature.RL4_HALMA103-129  1C:103-129
18RIBOSOMAL_L15PS00475 Ribosomal protein L15 signature.RL15_HALMA108-138  1J:107-137
19RIBOSOMAL_L22PS00464 Ribosomal protein L22 signature.RL22_HALMA124-148  1O:123-147
20RIBOSOMAL_L32EPS00580 Ribosomal protein L32e signature.RL32_HALMA129-149  1V:31-51
21RIBOSOMAL_L6_2PS00700 Ribosomal protein L6 signature 2.RL6_HALMA151-172  11:150-171
22RIBOSOMAL_L2PS00467 Ribosomal protein L2 signature.RL2_HALMA188-199  1A:187-198
23RIBOSOMAL_L3PS00474 Ribosomal protein L3 signature.RL3_HALMA195-218  1B:193-216

(-) Exons   (0, 0)

(no "Exon" information available for 1FFK)

(-) Sequences/Alignments

Asymmetric/Biological Unit
   Reformat: Number of residues per line =  ('0' or empty: single-line sequence representation)
  Number of residues per labelling interval =   
  UniProt sequence: complete  aligned part    
   Show mapping: SCOP domains CATH domains Pfam domains Secondary structure (by author)
SAPs(SNPs) PROSITE motifs Exons
(details for a mapped element are shown in a popup box when the mouse pointer rests over it)
Chain 0 from PDB  Type:RNA  Length:2706
                                    19        29        39        49        59        69        79        89        99       109       119     ||132       142       152       162       172       182       192       202       212       222       232       242       252       262       272       282       292       302       312       322       332       342       352       362       372       382       392       402       412       422       432       442       452       462       472       482       492       502       512       522       532       542       552       562       572       582       592       602       612       622       632       642       652       662       672       682       692       702       712 ||    723       733       743       753       763       773       783       793       803       813       823       833       843       853       863       873       883       893       903       913       923       933       943       953       963      1001      1011      1021      1031      1041      1051      1061      1071      1081      1091      1101      1111      1121      1131      1141      1151      1207      1217      1227      1237      1247      1257      1267      1277      1287      1297      1307      1317      1327      1337      1347      1357      1367      1377      1387      1397      1407      1417      1427      1437      1447      1457      1467      1477      1487      1497      1507      1517      1527      1537      1547      1557 ||   1568      1578      1588      1598      1608      1618      1628      1638      1648      1658      1668      1678      1688      1698      1708      1718      1728      1738      1748      1758      1768      1778      1788      1798      1808      1818      1828      1838      1848      1858      1868      1878      1888      1898      1908      1918      1928      1938      1948  ||  1970      1980      1990      2000      2010      2020      2030      2040      2050      2060      2070      2080      2090      2100      2110      2120      2130     |2240      2250      2260      2270      2280      2290      2300      2310      2320      2330      2345      2355      2365      2375      2385      2395      2405      2415      2425      2435      2445      2455      2465      2475      2485      2495      2505      2515      2525      2535      2545      2555      2565      2575      2585      2595      2605      2615      2625      2635      2645      2655      2668      2678      2688      2698      2708      2718      2728      2738      2748      2758      2768      2778      2788      2798      2808      2818      2828      2838      2848      2858      2868      2878      2888      2898      2908      
                                                                                                                                             125|                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      714|                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           970|                                                                                                                                                             1160|                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            1559|                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1951|                                                                                                                                                                        2136|                                                                                                 2338|                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2663|                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
                                                                                                                                              129                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       716                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            999                                                                                                                                                              1207                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             1561                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1964                                                                                                                                                                         2237                                                                                                  2344                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2667                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Chain 1 from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:172
 aligned with RL6_HALMA | P14135 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:178

    Alignment length:172
                                    11        21        31        41        51        61        71        81        91       101       111       121       131       141       151       161       171  
               SCOP domains d1ffk11 1:1-79 Ribosomal protein L6                                            d1ffk12 1:80-172 Ribosomal protein L6                                                         SCOP domains
               CATH domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ............................................................................................................................................................................ Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) -S--------------------S----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RIBOSOMAL_L6_2        - PROSITE
                 Transcript ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120       130       140       150       160       170  

Chain 9 from PDB  Type:RNA  Length:122
                                    10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120  

Chain A from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:237
 aligned with RL2_HALMA | P20276 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:240

    Alignment length:237
                                    11        21        31        41        51        61        71        81        91       101       111       121       131       141       151       161       171       181       191       201       211       221       231       
               SCOP domains d1ffka2 A:1-90 N-terminal domain of ribosomal protein L2                                  d1ffka1 A:91-237 C-terminal domain of ribosomal protein L2                                                                                          SCOP domains
               CATH domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RIBOSOMAL_L2--------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120       130       140       150       160       170       180       190       200       210       220       230       

Chain B from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:337
 aligned with RL3_HALMA | P20279 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:338

    Alignment length:338
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               311 |                          
                                    11        21        31        41        51        61        71        81        91       101       111       121       131       141       151       161       171       181       191       201       211       221       231       241       251       261       271       281       291       301       311 |     320       330        
               SCOP domains d1ffkb_ B: Ribosomal protein L3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SCOP domains
               CATH domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author .................................................................-................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                PROSITE (2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RIBOSOMAL_L3            ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE (2)
                 Transcript -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    10        20        30        40        50        60    | | 69        79        89        99       109       119       129       139       149       159       169       179       189       199       209       219       229       239       249       259       269       279       289       299       309       319       329        
                                                                                           65 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Chain C from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:246
 aligned with RL4_HALMA | P12735 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:246

    Alignment length:246
                                    10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120       130       140       150       160       170       180       190       200       210       220       230       240      
               SCOP domains d1ffkc_ C: Ribosomal protein L4                                                                                                                                                                                                                        SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RIBOSOMAL_L1E              --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transcript
                                    10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120       130       140       150       160       170       180       190       200       210       220       230       240      

Chain D from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:140
 aligned with RL5_HALMA | P14124 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:177

    Alignment length:165
                                    20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120       130       140       150       160       170     
               SCOP domains d1ffkd_ D: Ribosomal      protein L5                                                                                                                                  SCOP domains
               CATH domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ....................-----.........................................................................--------------------............................................... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                PROSITE (2) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE (2)
                PROSITE (3) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE (3)
                PROSITE (4) -------------------------------RIBOSOMAL_L5     --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE (4)
                 Transcript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    19        29     |  39        49        59        69        79        89        99       | -         -       129       139       149       159       169     
                                              29    35                                                                     107                  128                                              

Chain E from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:118
 aligned with RL7A_HALMA | P12743 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:120

    Alignment length:118
                                    12        22        32        42        52        62        72        82        92       102       112        
               SCOP domains d1ffke_ E: Ribosomal protein L7ae                                                                                      SCOP domains
               CATH domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ...................................................................................................................... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE -----------------------------------------------------------------RIBOSOMAL_L7AE    ----------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    11        21        31        41        51        61        71        81        91       101       111        

Chain F from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:157
               SCOP domains d1ffkf_ F: Ribosomal protein L10e                                                                                                                             SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ............................................................................................................................................................. Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120       130       140       150       

Chain G from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:142
 aligned with RL13_HALMA | P29198 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:145

    Alignment length:142
                                    13        23        33        43        53        63        73        83        93       103       113       123       133       143  
               SCOP domains d1ffkg_ G: Ribosomal protein L13                                                                                                               SCOP domains
               CATH domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author .............................................................................................................................................. Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                PROSITE (2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE (2)
                PROSITE (3) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------RIBOSOMAL_L13           --------------------------------------- PROSITE (3)
                 Transcript ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    13        23        33        43        53        63        73        83        93       103       113       123       133       143  

Chain H from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:132
 aligned with RL14_HALMA | P22450 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:132

    Alignment length:132
                                    10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120       130  
               SCOP domains d1ffkh_ H: Ribosomal protein L14                                                                                                     SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author .................................................................................................................................... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAPs(SNPs)
                PROSITE (2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------RIBOSOMAL_L14  PDB: H:71-97----------------------------------- PROSITE (2)
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transcript
                                    10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120       130  

Chain I from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:194
               SCOP domains d1ffki_ I: Ribosomal protein L15e                                                                                                                                                                  SCOP domains
               CATH domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author .................................................................................................................................................................................................. Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120       130       140       150       160       170       180       190    

Chain J from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:143
 aligned with RL15_HALMA | P12737 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:165

    Alignment length:151
                                    11        21        31        41        51        61        71        81        91       101       111       121       131       141       151 
               SCOP domains d1ffkj_ J: Ribosomal protein L15 (L15p)                                                                                                                 SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ...................................................................................--------............................................................ Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                PROSITE (2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RIBOSOMAL_L15  PDB: J:107-137  -------------- PROSITE (2)
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80  |      - |     100       110       120       130       140       150 
                                                                                                             83       92                                                           

Chain K from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:186
 aligned with RL18_HALMA | P14123 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:187

    Alignment length:186
                                    11        21        31        41        51        61        71        81        91       101       111       121       131       141       151       161       171       181      
               SCOP domains d1ffkk_ K: Ribosomal protein L18 (L18p)                                                                                                                                                    SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author .......................................................................................................................................................................................... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROSITE
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transcript
                                    10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120       130       140       150       160       170       180      

Chain L from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:115
 aligned with RL18E_HALMA | P12733 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:116

    Alignment length:115
                                    11        21        31        41        51        61        71        81        91       101       111     
               SCOP domains d1ffkl_ L: Ribosomal protein L18e                                                                                   SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ................................................................................................................... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                PROSITE (2) ------------------------------RIBOSOMAL_L18E    ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE (2)
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110     

Chain M from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:143
 aligned with RL19E_HALMA | P14119 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:149

    Alignment length:143
                                    11        21        31        41        51        61        71        81        91       101       111       121       131       141   
               SCOP domains d1ffkm_ M: Ribosomal protein L19 (L19e)                                                                                                         SCOP domains
               CATH domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ............................................................................................................................................... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                PROSITE (2) -----RIBOSOMAL_L19E      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE (2)
                 Transcript ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120       130       140   

Chain N from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:95
 aligned with RL21_HALMA | P12734 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:96

    Alignment length:95
                                    11        21        31        41        51        61        71        81        91     
               SCOP domains d1ffkn_ N: Ribosomal proteins L21e                                                              SCOP domains
               CATH domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ............................................................................................... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                PROSITE (2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE (2)
                PROSITE (3) -----------------------------------RIBOSOMAL_L21E            ---------------------------------- PROSITE (3)
                 Transcript ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90     

Chain O from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:150
 aligned with RL22_HALMA | P10970 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:155

    Alignment length:150
                                    11        21        31        41        51        61        71        81        91       101       111       121       131       141       151
               SCOP domains d1ffko_ O: Ribosomal protein L22                                                                                                                       SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ...................................................................................................................................................... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAPs(SNPs)
                PROSITE (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROSITE (2)
                PROSITE (3) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RIBOSOMAL_L22            --- PROSITE (3)
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transcript
                                    10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120       130       140       150

Chain P from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:78
 aligned with RL23_HALMA | P12732 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:85

    Alignment length:78
                                    11        21        31        41        51        61        71        
               SCOP domains d1ffkp_ P: Ribosomal protein L23                                               SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author .............................................................................. Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAPs(SNPs)
                PROSITE (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROSITE (2)
                PROSITE (3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROSITE (3)
                PROSITE (4) -------------------------------------------------------------RIBOSOMAL_L23   - PROSITE (4)
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transcript
                                    10        20        30        40        50        60        70        

Chain Q from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:119
 aligned with RL24_HALMA | P10972 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:120

    Alignment length:119
                                    11        21        31        41        51        61        71        81        91       101       111         
               SCOP domains d1ffkq_ Q: Ribosomal proteins L24 (L24p)                                                                                SCOP domains
               CATH domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ....................................................................................................................... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE --------------------------------------------RIBOSOMAL_L24     --------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110         

Chain R from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:53
 aligned with RL24E_HALMA | P14116 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:67

    Alignment length:53
                                    14        24        34        44        54   
               SCOP domains d1ffkr_ R: Ribosomal protein L24e                     SCOP domains
               CATH domains ----------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ----------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ..................................................... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ----------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                PROSITE (2) ----------------------------------------------------- PROSITE (2)
                PROSITE (3) ----RIBOSOMAL_L24E    ------------------------------- PROSITE (3)
                 Transcript ----------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    13        23        33        43        53   

Chain S from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:65
 aligned with RL29_HALMA | P10971 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:71

    Alignment length:65
                                    11        21        31        41        51        61     
               SCOP domains d1ffks_ S: Ribosomal protein L29 (L29p)                           SCOP domains
               CATH domains ----------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ................................................................. Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ----------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                PROSITE (2) ----------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE (2)
                PROSITE (3) ----------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE (3)
                PROSITE (4) ----------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE (4)
                PROSITE (5) -----------------------------------------RIBOSOMAL_L29  --------- PROSITE (5)
                 Transcript ----------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    10        20        30        40        50        60     

Chain T from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:154
 aligned with RL30_HALMA | P14121 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:154

    Alignment length:154
                                    10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120       130       140       150    
               SCOP domains d1ffkt_ T: Archaeal L30 (L30a)                                                                                                                             SCOP domains
               CATH domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author .......................................................................................................................................................... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                PROSITE (2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE (2)
                PROSITE (3) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE (3)
                PROSITE (4) -------------------RIBOSOMAL_L30  PDB: T:20-52      ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROSITE (4)
                 Transcript ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120       130       140       150    

Chain U from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:85
 aligned with RL31_HALMA | P18138 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:92

    Alignment length:85
                                    14        24        34        44        54        64        74        84     
               SCOP domains d1ffku_ U: Ribosomal protein L31e                                                     SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ..................................................................................... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                PROSITE (2) --------------------------------------------RIBOSOMAL_L31E -------------------------- PROSITE (2)
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    13        23        33        43        53        63        73        83     

Chain V from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:143
 aligned with RL32_HALMA | P12736 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:241

    Alignment length:143
                                   108       118       128       138       148       158       168       178       188       198       208       218       228       238   
               SCOP domains d1ffkv_ V: Ribosomal protein L32e                                                                                                               SCOP domains
               CATH domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ............................................................................................................................................... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                PROSITE (2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE (2)
                PROSITE (3) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE (3)
                PROSITE (4) ------------------------------RIBOSOMAL_L32E       -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE (4)
                 Transcript ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120       130       140   

Chain W from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:73
               SCOP domains d1ffkw_ W: Ribosomal protein L37ae                                        SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ......................................................................... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    19        29        39        49        59        69        79   

Chain X from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:56
 aligned with RL37_HALMA | P32410 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:57

    Alignment length:56
                                    11        21        31        41        51      
               SCOP domains d1ffkx_ X: Ribosomal protein L37e                        SCOP domains
               CATH domains -------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains -------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ........................................................ Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) -------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ---RIBOSOMAL_L37E      --------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript -------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    10        20        30        40        50      

Chain Y from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:31
 aligned with RL39_HALMA | P22452 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:50

    Alignment length:49
                                    11        21        31        41         
               SCOP domains d1ffky_ Y: Ribosomal protein                   L3 SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ............................------------------... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ---------------------------RIBOSOMAL_L39E   ----- PROSITE
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                1ffk Y    1 GKKSKATKKRKAKLDNQNSRVPAYVMLK------------------TDE   49
                                    10        20       | -         -      |  
                                                      28                 47  

Chain Z from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:92
 aligned with RL44E_HALMA | P32411 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:92

    Alignment length:92
                                    10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90  
               SCOP domains d1ffkz_ Z: Ribosomal protein L44e                                                            SCOP domains
               CATH domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ............................................................................................ Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                PROSITE (2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE (2)
                PROSITE (3) -----------------------------------------------------------RIBOSOMAL_L4--------------------- PROSITE (3)
                 Transcript -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90  

   Legend:   → Mismatch (orange background)
  - → Gap (green background, '-', border residues have a numbering label)
    → Modified Residue (blue background, lower-case, 'x' indicates undefined single-letter code, labelled with number + name)
  x → Chemical Group (purple background, 'x', labelled with number + name, e.g. ACE or NH2)
  extra numbering lines below/above indicate numbering irregularities and modified residue names etc., number ends below/above '|'

 Classification and Annotation

(-) SCOP Domains  (28, 29)

Asymmetric/Biological Unit
Fold: RL5-like (90)

(-) CATH Domains  (0, 0)

(no "CATH Domain" information available for 1FFK)

(-) Pfam Domains  (0, 0)

(no "Pfam Domain" information available for 1FFK)

(-) Gene Ontology  (23, 217)

Asymmetric/Biological Unit(hide GO term definitions)
Chain 1   (RL6_HALMA | P14135)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain A   (RL2_HALMA | P20276)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0015934    large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain B   (RL3_HALMA | P20279)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain C   (RL4_HALMA | P12735)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain D   (RL5_HALMA | P14124)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
    GO:0000049    tRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with transfer RNA.
biological process
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain E   (RL7A_HALMA | P12743)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0004526    ribonuclease P activity    Catalysis of the endonucleolytic cleavage of RNA, removing 5' extra nucleotides from tRNA precursor.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0090501    RNA phosphodiester bond hydrolysis    The RNA metabolic process in which the phosphodiester bonds between ribonucleotides are cleaved by hydrolysis.
    GO:0090502    RNA phosphodiester bond hydrolysis, endonucleolytic    The chemical reactions and pathways involving the hydrolysis of internal 3',5'-phosphodiester bonds in one or two strands of ribonucleotides.
    GO:0042254    ribosome biogenesis    A cellular process that results in the biosynthesis of constituent macromolecules, assembly, and arrangement of constituent parts of ribosome subunits; includes transport to the sites of protein synthesis.
    GO:0001682    tRNA 5'-leader removal    Generation of the mature 5'-end of the tRNA, usually via an endonucleolytic cleavage by RNase P.
    GO:0008033    tRNA processing    The process in which a pre-tRNA molecule is converted to a mature tRNA, ready for addition of an aminoacyl group.
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005737    cytoplasm    All of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures.
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain G   (RL13_HALMA | P29198)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0015934    large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain H   (RL14_HALMA | P22450)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain J   (RL15_HALMA | P12737)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0015934    large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain K   (RL18_HALMA | P14123)
molecular function
    GO:0008097    5S rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with 5S ribosomal RNA, the smallest RNA constituent of a ribosome.
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain L   (RL18E_HALMA | P12733)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain M   (RL19E_HALMA | P14119)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0070180    large ribosomal subunit rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with the large ribosomal subunit RNA (LSU rRNA), a constituent of the large ribosomal subunit. In S. cerevisiae, this is the 25S rRNA.
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain N   (RL21_HALMA | P12734)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain O   (RL22_HALMA | P10970)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0015934    large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain P   (RL23_HALMA | P12732)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0000166    nucleotide binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a nucleotide, any compound consisting of a nucleoside that is esterified with (ortho)phosphate or an oligophosphate at any hydroxyl group on the ribose or deoxyribose.
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain Q   (RL24_HALMA | P10972)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0015934    large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain R   (RL24E_HALMA | P14116)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0046872    metal ion binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any metal ion.
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
    GO:0008270    zinc ion binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with zinc (Zn) ions.
biological process
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain S   (RL29_HALMA | P10971)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain T   (RL30_HALMA | P14121)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0015934    large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain U   (RL31_HALMA | P18138)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain V   (RL32_HALMA | P12736)
molecular function
    GO:0003677    DNA binding    Any molecular function by which a gene product interacts selectively and non-covalently with DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0000166    nucleotide binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a nucleotide, any compound consisting of a nucleoside that is esterified with (ortho)phosphate or an oligophosphate at any hydroxyl group on the ribose or deoxyribose.
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0006281    DNA repair    The process of restoring DNA after damage. Genomes are subject to damage by chemical and physical agents in the environment (e.g. UV and ionizing radiations, chemical mutagens, fungal and bacterial toxins, etc.) and by free radicals or alkylating agents endogenously generated in metabolism. DNA is also damaged because of errors during its replication. A variety of different DNA repair pathways have been reported that include direct reversal, base excision repair, nucleotide excision repair, photoreactivation, bypass, double-strand break repair pathway, and mismatch repair pathway.
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain X   (RL37_HALMA | P32410)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0046872    metal ion binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any metal ion.
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
    GO:0008270    zinc ion binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with zinc (Zn) ions.
biological process
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain Y   (RL39_HALMA | P22452)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain Z   (RL44E_HALMA | P32411)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0070180    large ribosomal subunit rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with the large ribosomal subunit RNA (LSU rRNA), a constituent of the large ribosomal subunit. In S. cerevisiae, this is the 25S rRNA.
    GO:0046872    metal ion binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any metal ion.
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
    GO:0000049    tRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with transfer RNA.
    GO:0008270    zinc ion binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with zinc (Zn) ions.
biological process
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.


(-) Interactive Views

Asymmetric/Biological Unit
  Complete Structure
    Jena3D(integrated viewing of ligand, site, SAP, PROSITE, SCOP information)
    WebMol | AstexViewer[tm]@PDBe
(Java Applets, require no local installation except for Java; loading may be slow)
(Java WebStart application, automatic local installation, requires Java; full application with system access!)
(require local installation)
    Molscript (VRML)
(requires installation of a VRML viewer; select preferred view via VRML and generate a mono or stereo PDF format file)
  Ligands, Modified Residues, Ions
    CD  [ RasMol | Jena3D ]  +environment [ RasMol | Jena3D ]
    K  [ RasMol | Jena3D ]  +environment [ RasMol | Jena3D ]
    MG  [ RasMol | Jena3D ]  +environment [ RasMol | Jena3D ]
    AC1  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    AC2  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    AC3  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    AC4  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
  Cis Peptide Bonds
(no "Cis Peptide Bonds" information available for 1ffk)

(-) Still Images

  protein: cartoon or spacefill or dots and stick; nucleic acid: cartoon and stick; ligands: spacefill; active site: stick
  protein, nucleic acid: cartoon; ligands: spacefill; active site: ball and stick
  23S rRNA: spacefill, green; 5S rRNA: spacefill, yellow; proteins: ribbon, chain-specific coloring; white background
  23S rRNA: spacefill, green; 5S rRNA: spacefill, yellow; proteins: ribbon, chain-specific coloring; another view
  23S rRNA: spacefill, green; 5S rRNA: spacefill, yellow; proteins: ribbon, chain-specific coloring; still another view
  23S rRNA, ladder, turquoise; 5S rRNA, ladder, brown; proteins: ribbon, chain-specific coloring
  23S rRNA, ladder, turquoise; 5S rRNA, ladder, brown; proteins: ribbon, chain-specific coloring; another view

 Databases and Analysis Tools

(-) Databases

Access by PDB/NDB ID
    Family and Domain InformationProDom | SYSTERS
    General Structural InformationGlycoscienceDB | MMDB | NDB | OCA | PDB | PDBe | PDBj | PDBsum | PDBWiki | PQS | PROTEOPEDIA
    Orientation in MembranesOPM
    Protein SurfaceSURFACE
    Secondary StructureDSSP (structure derived) | HSSP (homology derived)
    Structural GenomicsGeneCensus
    Structural NeighboursCE | VAST
    Structure ClassificationCATH | Dali | SCOP
    Validation and Original DataBMRB Data View | BMRB Restraints Grid | EDS | PROCHECK | RECOORD | WHAT_CHECK
Access by UniProt ID/Accession number
  RL10E_HALMA | P60617
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL13_HALMA | P29198
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL14_HALMA | P22450
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL15E_HALMA | P60618
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL15_HALMA | P12737
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL18E_HALMA | P12733
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL18_HALMA | P14123
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL19E_HALMA | P14119
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL21_HALMA | P12734
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL22_HALMA | P10970
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL23_HALMA | P12732
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL24E_HALMA | P14116
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL24_HALMA | P10972
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL29_HALMA | P10971
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL2_HALMA | P20276
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL30_HALMA | P14121
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL31_HALMA | P18138
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL32_HALMA | P12736
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL37A_HALMA | P60619
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL37_HALMA | P32410
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL39_HALMA | P22452
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL3_HALMA | P20279
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL44E_HALMA | P32411
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL4_HALMA | P12735
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL5_HALMA | P14124
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL6_HALMA | P14135
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RL7A_HALMA | P12743
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
Access by Enzyme Classificator   (EC Number)
  (no 'Enzyme Classificator' available)
    General Enzyme InformationBRENDA | EC-PDB | Enzyme | IntEnz
    PathwayKEGG | MetaCyc
Access by Disease Identifier   (MIM ID)
  (no 'MIM ID' available)
    Disease InformationOMIM
Access by GenAge ID
  (no 'GenAge ID' available)
    Age Related InformationGenAge

(-) Analysis Tools

Access by PDB/NDB ID
    Domain InformationXDom
    Interatomic Contacts of Structural UnitsCSU
    Ligand-protein ContactsLPC
    Protein CavitiescastP
    Sequence and Secondary StructurePDBCartoon
    Structure AlignmentSTRAP(Java WebStart application, automatic local installation, requires Java; full application with system access!)
    Structure and Sequence BrowserSTING
Access by UniProt ID/Accession number
  RL10E_HALMA | P60617
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL13_HALMA | P29198
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL14_HALMA | P22450
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL15E_HALMA | P60618
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL15_HALMA | P12737
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL18E_HALMA | P12733
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL18_HALMA | P14123
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL19E_HALMA | P14119
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL21_HALMA | P12734
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL22_HALMA | P10970
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL23_HALMA | P12732
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL24E_HALMA | P14116
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL24_HALMA | P10972
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL29_HALMA | P10971
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL2_HALMA | P20276
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL30_HALMA | P14121
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL31_HALMA | P18138
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL32_HALMA | P12736
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL37A_HALMA | P60619
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL37_HALMA | P32410
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL39_HALMA | P22452
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL3_HALMA | P20279
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL44E_HALMA | P32411
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL4_HALMA | P12735
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL5_HALMA | P14124
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL6_HALMA | P14135
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RL7A_HALMA | P12743
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)

 Related Entries

(-) Entries Sharing at Least One Protein Chain (UniProt ID)

        RL10E_HALMA | P606171jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1ml5 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 4adx 4v9f
        RL13_HALMA | P291981jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3cxc 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 3ow2 4v4r 4v4s 4v9f
        RL14_HALMA | P224501c04 1jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3cxc 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 3ow2 4adx 4v9f
        RL15E_HALMA | P606181jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 4adx 4v9f
        RL15_HALMA | P127371jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3cxc 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 3ow2 4adx 4v4r 4v4s 4v4t 4v9f
        RL18E_HALMA | P127331jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3cxc 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 3ow2 4adx 4v9f
        RL18_HALMA | P141231jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3cxc 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 3ow2 4adx 4v4r 4v4s 4v4t 4v9f
        RL19E_HALMA | P141191jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3cxc 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 3ow2 4adx 4v9f
        RL21_HALMA | P127341jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3cxc 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 3ow2 4adx 4v9f
        RL22_HALMA | P109701jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3cxc 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 3ow2 4adx 4v9f
        RL23_HALMA | P127321jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3cxc 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 3ow2 4adx 4v4s 4v4t 4v9f
        RL24E_HALMA | P141161jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1ml5 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3cxc 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 3ow2 4adx 4v42 4v4r 4v4s 4v4t 4v9f
        RL24_HALMA | P109721jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3cxc 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 3ow2 4adx 4v4r 4v4t 4v9f
        RL29_HALMA | P109711jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3cxc 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 3ow2 4adx 4v4r 4v4s 4v4t 4v9f
        RL2_HALMA | P202761c04 1jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3cxc 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 3ow2 4adx 4v9f
        RL30_HALMA | P141211jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3cxc 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 3ow2 4adx 4v9f
        RL31_HALMA | P181381jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3cxc 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 3ow2 4adx 4v9f
        RL32_HALMA | P127361jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3cxc 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 3ow2 4adx 4v9f
        RL37A_HALMA | P606191jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 4adx 4v9f
        RL37_HALMA | P324101jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3cxc 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 3ow2 4adx 4v9f
        RL39_HALMA | P224521jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3cxc 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 3ow2 4adx 4v9f
        RL3_HALMA | P202791jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1ml5 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3cxc 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 3ow2 4adx 4v4t 4v9f
        RL44E_HALMA | P324111jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3cxc 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 3ow2 4adx 4v9f
        RL4_HALMA | P127351jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1ml5 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3cxc 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 3ow2 4adx 4v4r 4v4s 4v4t 4v9f
        RL5_HALMA | P141241jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3cxc 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 3ow2 4adx 4v4s 4v4t 4v9f
        RL6_HALMA | P141351c04 1jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3cxc 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 3ow2 4adx 4v9f
        RL7A_HALMA | P127431jj2 1k73 1k8a 1k9m 1kc8 1kd1 1kqs 1m1k 1m90 1n8r 1nji 1q7y 1q81 1q82 1q86 1qvf 1qvg 1s72 1vq4 1vq5 1vq6 1vq7 1vq8 1vq9 1vqk 1vql 1vqm 1vqn 1vqo 1vqp 1w2b 1yhq 1yi2 1yij 1yit 1yj9 1yjn 1yjw 2otj 2otl 2qa4 2qex 3cc2 3cc4 3cc7 3cce 3ccj 3ccl 3ccm 3ccq 3ccr 3ccs 3ccu 3ccv 3cd6 3cma 3cme 3cpw 3cxc 3g4s 3g6e 3g71 3i55 3i56 3ow2 4adx 4v9f

(-) Related Entries Specified in the PDB File