PDB Structures Genus Listing
PDB Structures Species Listing
PDB Structures Search by Species Name
- Examples: Bacillus anthracis OR B% anthracis (% matches zero to any number of characters) OR ant_racis (_ matches exactly one character) will all lead to Bacillus anthracis PDB entries as does anthrax. So, both common names and (alternative) scientifc names can be used.If there is no structure directly associated with the term you typed in, explore the name space of the NCBI taxonomy database, e.g. search for grasshopper will fail, while there are protein structures from members of the short-horned grasshoppers family available.
PDB Structures Species Statistics
Related information is provided by the NCBI Taxonomy Browser, NEWT and by PDBsum.
JenaLib Genus/Species Classification 10. Feb. 2023