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Class: Alpha Beta (26913)
Architecture: 2-Layer Sandwich (8480)
Topology: Phenylalanyl-tRNA Synthetase; Chain B, domain 1 (22)
Architecture: Alpha-Beta Complex (3881)
Topology: Aspartate Aminotransferase, domain 1 (355)
Architecture: Roll (3276)
Class: Few Secondary Structures (1120)
Architecture: Irregular (1120)
Class: Mainly Alpha (13335)
Architecture: Orthogonal Bundle (10391)
Topology: 434 Repressor (Amino-terminal Domain) (116)
Homologous Superfamily: lambda repressor-like DNA-binding domains (100)
Topology: Arc Repressor Mutant, subunit A (1030)
Architecture: Up-down Bundle (3216)