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Analysis of nucleic acid double helix geometry

PDB code 2CV2   (PDB summary)
Duplex length 75 base pairs

Only the nucleic acid double helix part of the structure is analysed here. Small ligands, proteins, and overhanging ends are not taken into account. Information on the complete structure is available at the Image Library Entry page and at the Sequence, Chains, Units page.

Strand 1    5' G501 G502 C503 C504 C505 C506 A507 U508 C509 G510 U511 C512 U513 A514 G515 C516 G518 G519 U520 U520A A521 G522 G523 A524 C525 G526 C527 G528 G529 C530 C531 C532 U533 C534 U535 C536 A537 A538 G539 G540 C541 C542 G543 A544 A545 A546 C548 G549 G550 G551 G552 G553 U554 U555 C556 G557 A558 U559 U560 C561 C562 C563 C564 C565 U566 G567 G568 G569 G570 U571 C572 A573 C574 C575 A576 3'
Strand 2    3' A576 C575 C574 A573 C572 U571 G570 G569 G568 G567 U566 C565 C564 C563 C562 C561 U560 U559 A558 G557 C556 U555 U554 G553 G552 G551 G550 G549 C548 A546 A545 A544 G543 C542 C541 G540 G539 A538 A537 C536 U535 C534 U533 C532 C531 C530 G529 G528 C527 G526 C525 A524 G523 G522 A521 U520A U520 G519 G518 C516 G515 A514 U513 C512 U511 G510 C509 U508 A507 C506 C505 C504 C503 G502 G501 5'

CURVES analysis failed.
  No curvilinear helical axis determined.
  No helix parameters determined.

Side view 1 Top view
Side view 1 Top view
Side view 2 3-dimensional interactive models


Side view 2  

Figure 1   Three orthogonal views of the double helix (Help). Residues are colored according to the nucleotide type (Help: Color codes). The curvilinear helical axis (green) was calculated with CURVES. The double helix is oriented with respect to the principle axis of inertia of the curvilinear helical axis (see Help for further explanations). This drawing reveals immediately if there is any bending of the helical axis.

Further information

Full output from CURVES  (helical parameters with respect to global and local axes)

Full output from FREEHELIX  (helical parameters with respect to local axis, angles between normal vectors)

Chirality of ribose and phosphate atoms
Check the naming of phosphate and ribose substituents. Recommended for phosphate oxygens and for ribose hydrogens in NMR structures.

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Perl script:  (15 Sep 2016)
Author:    Peter Slickers  (,  IMB Jena,  Germany