Summary Information (see also Sequences/Alignments below) |
Asymmetric Unit (1, 4)
Asymmetric Unit (4, 4)
(no "SS Bond" information available for 2MIP) |
(no "Cis Peptide Bond" information available for 2MIP) |
(no "SAP(SNP)/Variant" information available for 2MIP) |
Asymmetric Unit (2, 8)
(no "Exon" information available for 2MIP) |
Asymmetric UnitChain A from PDB Type:PROTEIN Length:99 aligned with POL_HV2RO | P04584 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Length:1464 Alignment length:99 523 533 543 553 563 573 583 593 603 POL_HV2RO 514 PQFSLWKRPVVTAYIEGQPVEVLLDTGADDSIVAGIELGNNYSPKIVGGIGGFINTKEYKNVEIEVLNKKVRATIMTGDTPINIFGRNILTALGMSLNL 612 SCOP domains d2mipa_ A: Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) protease SCOP domains CATH domains 2mipA00 A:1-99 Acid Proteases CATH domains Pfam domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains SAPs(SNPs) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs) PROSITE (1) -------------------ASP_PROT_RETROV PDB: A:20-89 UniProt: 533-602 ---------- PROSITE (1) PROSITE (2) ---------------------ASP_PROTEASE------------------------------------------------------------------ PROSITE (2) Transcript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript 2mip A 1 PQFSLWKRPVVTAYIEGQPVEVLLDTGADDSIVAGIELGNNYSPKIVGGIGGFINTKEYKNVEIEVLNKKVRATIMTGDTPINIFGRNILTALGMSLNL 99 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Chain B from PDB Type:PROTEIN Length:99 aligned with POL_HV2RO | P04584 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Length:1464 Alignment length:99 523 533 543 553 563 573 583 593 603 POL_HV2RO 514 PQFSLWKRPVVTAYIEGQPVEVLLDTGADDSIVAGIELGNNYSPKIVGGIGGFINTKEYKNVEIEVLNKKVRATIMTGDTPINIFGRNILTALGMSLNL 612 SCOP domains d2mipb_ B: Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) protease SCOP domains CATH domains 2mipB00 B:1-99 Acid Proteases CATH domains Pfam domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains SAPs(SNPs) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs) PROSITE (1) -------------------ASP_PROT_RETROV PDB: B:20-89 UniProt: 533-602 ---------- PROSITE (1) PROSITE (2) ---------------------ASP_PROTEASE------------------------------------------------------------------ PROSITE (2) Transcript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript 2mip B 1 PQFSLWKRPVVTAYIEGQPVEVLLDTGADDSIVAGIELGNNYSPKIVGGIGGFINTKEYKNVEIEVLNKKVRATIMTGDTPINIFGRNILTALGMSLNL 99 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Chain C from PDB Type:PROTEIN Length:99 aligned with POL_HV2RO | P04584 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Length:1464 Alignment length:99 523 533 543 553 563 573 583 593 603 POL_HV2RO 514 PQFSLWKRPVVTAYIEGQPVEVLLDTGADDSIVAGIELGNNYSPKIVGGIGGFINTKEYKNVEIEVLNKKVRATIMTGDTPINIFGRNILTALGMSLNL 612 SCOP domains d2mipc_ C: Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) protease SCOP domains CATH domains 2mipC00 C:1-99 Acid Proteases CATH domains Pfam domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains SAPs(SNPs) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs) PROSITE (1) -------------------ASP_PROT_RETROV PDB: C:20-89 UniProt: 533-602 ---------- PROSITE (1) PROSITE (2) ---------------------ASP_PROTEASE------------------------------------------------------------------ PROSITE (2) Transcript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript 2mip C 1 PQFSLWKRPVVTAYIEGQPVEVLLDTGADDSIVAGIELGNNYSPKIVGGIGGFINTKEYKNVEIEVLNKKVRATIMTGDTPINIFGRNILTALGMSLNL 99 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Chain D from PDB Type:PROTEIN Length:99 aligned with POL_HV2RO | P04584 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Length:1464 Alignment length:99 523 533 543 553 563 573 583 593 603 POL_HV2RO 514 PQFSLWKRPVVTAYIEGQPVEVLLDTGADDSIVAGIELGNNYSPKIVGGIGGFINTKEYKNVEIEVLNKKVRATIMTGDTPINIFGRNILTALGMSLNL 612 SCOP domains d2mipd_ D: Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) protease SCOP domains CATH domains 2mipD00 D:1-99 Acid Proteases CATH domains Pfam domains (1) ---RVP-2mipD01 D:4-98 - Pfam domains (1) Pfam domains (2) ---RVP-2mipD02 D:4-98 - Pfam domains (2) Pfam domains (3) ---RVP-2mipD03 D:4-98 - Pfam domains (3) Pfam domains (4) ---RVP-2mipD04 D:4-98 - Pfam domains (4) SAPs(SNPs) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs) PROSITE (1) -------------------ASP_PROT_RETROV PDB: D:20-89 UniProt: 533-602 ---------- PROSITE (1) PROSITE (2) ---------------------ASP_PROTEASE------------------------------------------------------------------ PROSITE (2) Transcript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript 2mip D 1 PQFSLWKRPVVTAYIEGQPVEVLLDTGADDSIVAGIELGNNYSPKIVGGIGGFINTKEYKNVEIEVLNKKVRATIMTGDTPINIFGRNILTALGMSLNL 99 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Chain E from PDB Type:PROTEIN Length:7 SCOP domains ------- SCOP domains CATH domains ------- CATH domains Pfam domains ------- Pfam domains SAPs(SNPs) ------- SAPs(SNPs) PROSITE ------- PROSITE Transcript ------- Transcript 2mip E 1 FVFLEIx 7 | 7-NH2 Chain F from PDB Type:PROTEIN Length:7 SCOP domains ------- SCOP domains CATH domains ------- CATH domains Pfam domains ------- Pfam domains SAPs(SNPs) ------- SAPs(SNPs) PROSITE ------- PROSITE Transcript ------- Transcript 2mip F 1 FVFLEIx 7 | 7-NH2 Chain G from PDB Type:PROTEIN Length:7 SCOP domains ------- SCOP domains CATH domains ------- CATH domains Pfam domains ------- Pfam domains SAPs(SNPs) ------- SAPs(SNPs) PROSITE ------- PROSITE Transcript ------- Transcript 2mip G 1 FVFLEIx 7 | 7-NH2 Chain H from PDB Type:PROTEIN Length:7 SCOP domains ------- SCOP domains CATH domains ------- CATH domains Pfam domains ------- Pfam domains SAPs(SNPs) ------- SAPs(SNPs) PROSITE ------- PROSITE Transcript ------- Transcript 2mip H 1 FVFLEIx 7 | 7-NH2
Asymmetric Unit |
Asymmetric Unit |
Asymmetric Unit
Asymmetric Unit(hide GO term definitions) Chain A,B,C,D (POL_HV2RO | P04584)