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Class: Mainly Alpha (13335)
Architecture: Orthogonal Bundle (10391)
Topology: Bluetongue Virus 10, subunit 1; domain 1 (2)
Homologous Superfamily: Bluetongue Virus 10, subunit 1, domain 1 (2)
Bluetongue virus (serotype 1 / isolate south africa). Organism_taxid:10905. Strain: sterotype 1 (south africa). (1)
2BTVC:1-120; D:1-120; R:1-120; S:1-120; T:1-120; E:1-120; F:1-120; G:1-120; H:1-120; I:1-120; J:1-120; P:1-120; Q:1-120ATOMIC MODEL FOR BLUETONGUE VIRUS (BTV) CORE