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Class: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) (23833)
Fold: Thioredoxin fold (994)
Superfamily: Thioredoxin-like (992)
Family: Glutathione peroxidase-like (136)
Protein domain: Peroxiredoxin-3 (AOP-1, SP-22) (1)
Cow (Bos taurus) [TaxId: 9913] (1)
1ZYEA:6-163; B:6-163; K:6-163; L:6-163; C:6-163; D:6-163; E:6-163; F:6-163; G:6-163; H:6-163; I:6-163; J:6-163CRYSTAL STRUCUTRE ANALYSIS OF BOVINE MITOCHONDRIAL PEROXIREDOXIN III