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Class: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) (23004)
Fold: Cystatin-like (403)
Superfamily: Amine oxidase N-terminal region (65)
Family: Amine oxidase N-terminal region (65)
Protein domain: Lysyl oxidase PplO, domains 1 and 2 (3)
Yeast (Pichia pastoris) [TaxId: 4922] (3)
1N9EA:41-169; A:170-315; B:41-169; B:170-315; C:41-169; C:170-315; D:41-169; D:170-315CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF PICHIA PASTORIS LYSYL OXIDASE PPLO
1RKYA:43-169; A:170-315PPLO + XE
1W7CA:43-169; A:170-315PPLO AT 1.23 ANGSTROMS