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Analysis of nucleic acid double helix geometry

PDB code 3CW1   (PDB summary)
Duplex length 138 base pairs

Only the nucleic acid double helix part of the structure is analysed here. Small ligands, proteins, and overhanging ends are not taken into account. Information on the complete structure is available at the Image Library Entry page and at the Sequence, Chains, Units page.

Strand 1    5' A1 U2 A3 C4 U5 U6 A7 C8 C9 U10 G11 G12 C13 A14 G15 G16 G17 G18 A19 G20 A21 U22 A23 C24 C25 A26 U27 G28 A29 U30 C31 A32 C33 G34 A35 A36 G37 G38 U39 G40 G41 U42 U43 U44 U45 C46 C47 C48 A49 G50 G51 G52 G53 A54 G55 A56 C83 G84 U85 C86 C87 C88 C89 U90 G91 C92 G93 A94 U95 U96 U97 C98 C99 C100 C101 A102 A103 A104 U105 G106 U107 G108 G109 G110 A111 A112 A113 C114 U115 C116 G117 A118 C119 U120 G121 C122 A123 U124 A125 A126 U127 U128 U129 G130 U131 G132 G133 U134 A135 G136 U137 G138 G139 G140 G141 G142 A143 C144 U145 G146 C147 G148 U149 U150 C151 G152 C153 G154 C155 U156 U157 U158 C159 C160 C161 C162 U163 G164 3'
Strand 2    3' G364 U363 C362 C361 C360 C359 U358 U357 U356 C355 G354 C353 G352 C351 U350 U349 G348 C347 G346 U345 C344 A343 G342 G341 G340 G339 G338 U337 G336 A335 U334 G333 G332 U331 G330 U329 U328 U327 A326 A325 U324 A323 C322 G321 U320 C319 A318 G317 C316 U315 C314 A313 A312 A311 G310 G309 G308 U307 G306 U305 A304 A303 A302 C301 C300 C299 C298 U297 U296 U295 A294 G293 C292 G291 U290 C289 C288 C287 C286 U285 G284 C283 A256 G255 A254 G253 G252 G251 G250 A249 C248 C247 C246 U245 U244 U243 U242 G241 G240 U239 G238 G237 A236 A235 G234 C233 A232 C231 U230 A229 G228 U227 A226 C225 C224 A223 U222 A221 G220 A219 G218 G217 G216 G215 A214 C213 G212 G211 U210 C209 C208 A207 U206 U205 C204 A203 U202 A201 5'

CURVES analysis failed.
  No curvilinear helical axis determined.
  No helix parameters determined.

Side view 1 Top view
Side view 1 Top view
Side view 2 3-dimensional interactive models


Side view 2  

Figure 1   Three orthogonal views of the double helix (Help). Residues are colored according to the nucleotide type (Help: Color codes). The curvilinear helical axis (green) was calculated with CURVES. The double helix is oriented with respect to the principle axis of inertia of the curvilinear helical axis (see Help for further explanations). This drawing reveals immediately if there is any bending of the helical axis.

Further information

Full output from CURVES  (helical parameters with respect to global and local axes)

Full output from FREEHELIX  (helical parameters with respect to local axis, angles between normal vectors)

Chirality of ribose and phosphate atoms
Check the naming of phosphate and ribose substituents. Recommended for phosphate oxygens and for ribose hydrogens in NMR structures.

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Perl script:  (15 Sep 2016)
Author:    Peter Slickers  (,  IMB Jena,  Germany