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(-)Asym./Biol. Unit
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Asym./Biol. Unit  (Jmol Viewer)
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Asym./Biol. Unit - sites  (Jmol Viewer)

(-) Description

Authors :  M. Sanches, N. Duffy, M. Talukdar, N. Thevakumaran, D. Chiovitti, R. Al J. B. Patterson, F. Sicheri
Date :  16 May 14  (Deposition) - 03 Sep 14  (Release) - 10 Sep 14  (Revision)
Resolution :  2.90
Chains :  Asym./Biol. Unit :  A,B
Keywords :  Schiff Base, Hydroxy Aryl Aldehydes (Haa), Inhibitor Complex, Unfolded Protein Response, Endoribonuclease, Transferase, Hydrolase- Inhibitor Complex (Keyword Search: [Gene Ontology, PubMed, Web (Google))
Reference :  M. Sanches, N. M. Duffy, M. Talukdar, N. Thevakumaran, D. Chiovitti, M. D. Canny, K. Lee, I. Kurinov, D. Uehling, R. Al-Awar, G. Poda, M. Prakesch, B. Wilson, V. Tam, C. Schweitzer, A. Toro, J. L. Lucas, D. Vuga, L. Lehmann, D. Durocher, Q. Zeng, J. B. Patterson, F. Sicheri
Structure And Mechanism Of Action Of The Hydroxy-Aryl-Aldehyde Class Of Ire1 Endoribonuclease Inhibitors.
Nat Commun V. 5 4202 2014
PubMed-ID: 25164867  |  Reference-DOI: 10.1038/NCOMMS5202

(-) Compounds

    ChainsA, B
    EC Number2.7.11.1, 3.1.26.-
    Expression SystemESCHERICHIA COLI
    Expression System Taxid562
    FragmentUNP RESIDUES 550-977
    GeneERN1, IRE1
    Organism CommonMOUSE
    Organism ScientificMUS MUSCULUS
    Organism Taxid10090

 Structural Features

(-) Chains, Units

Asymmetric/Biological Unit AB

Summary Information (see also Sequences/Alignments below)

(-) Ligands, Modified Residues, Ions  (3, 6)

Asymmetric/Biological Unit (3, 6)
No.NameCountTypeFull Name

(-) Sites  (6, 6)

Asymmetric Unit (6, 6)
1AC1SOFTWAREPHE A:889 , TYR A:892 , ASN A:906 , LYS A:907 , HIS A:910 , ARG B:864 , GLN B:946binding site for residue 31J A 1001
2AC2SOFTWARELEU A:577 , HIS A:579 , GLY A:580 , VAL A:586 , LYS A:599 , ILE A:642 , GLU A:643 , CYS A:645 , HIS A:692 , ASN A:693 , ASP A:711 , MG A:1003binding site for residue ADP A 1002
3AC3SOFTWAREHIS A:692 , ASN A:693 , ASP A:711 , ADP A:1002binding site for residue MG A 1003
4AC4SOFTWARELEU B:577 , HIS B:579 , GLY B:580 , VAL B:586 , LYS B:599 , GLU B:643 , CYS B:645 , LYS B:690 , HIS B:692 , ASN B:693 , LEU B:695 , ASP B:711 , MG B:1003binding site for residue ADP B 1002
5AC5SOFTWAREHIS B:692 , ASN B:693 , ASP B:711 , ADP B:1002binding site for residue MG B 1003
6AC6SOFTWAREARG A:864 , LEU B:882 , ASP B:885 , LEU B:886 , PHE B:889 , TYR B:892 , ALA B:903 , MET B:904 , ASN B:906 , LYS B:908 , HIS B:909 , HIS B:910 , TYR B:911 , GLU B:913 , LEU B:914binding site for Di-peptide 31J B 1001 and LYS B 907

(-) SS Bonds  (0, 0)

(no "SS Bond" information available for 4PL3)

(-) Cis Peptide Bonds  (11, 11)

Asymmetric/Biological Unit
1Gly A:567 -Lys A:568
2Phe A:775 -Gly A:776
3Gly A:923 -Ser A:924
4Ile A:925 -Pro A:926
5Gly B:567 -Lys B:568
6His B:660 -Leu B:661
7Leu B:661 -Gly B:662
8Phe B:775 -Gly B:776
9Arg B:890 -Thr B:891
10Gly B:923 -Ser B:924
11Ile B:925 -Pro B:926

 Sequence-Structure Mapping

(-) SAPs(SNPs)/Variants  (0, 0)

(no "SAP(SNP)/Variant" information available for 4PL3)

(-) PROSITE Motifs  (0, 0)

(no "PROSITE Motif" information available for 4PL3)

(-) Exons   (0, 0)

(no "Exon" information available for 4PL3)

(-) Sequences/Alignments

Asymmetric/Biological Unit
   Reformat: Number of residues per line =  ('0' or empty: single-line sequence representation)
  Number of residues per labelling interval =   
  UniProt sequence: complete  aligned part    
   Show mapping: SCOP domains CATH domains Pfam domains Secondary structure (by author)
SAPs(SNPs) PROSITE motifs Exons
(details for a mapped element are shown in a popup box when the mouse pointer rests over it)
Chain A from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:388
               SCOP domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ..........eeeeeeeeee.....eeeeee......eeeee....eeehhhhhhhhhh.........eeeeeee..eeeeee....eehhhhhhh........hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........hhh.eee..........eee....eee..........hhhhh...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........hhhhhhhhh..........hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..hhhhh.hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....hhhhhhhh..hhhhhh.hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......hhhhh.... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                   569       579       589       599       609       619       629       639       649       659       669       679       689       699       709       731       741 ||    756       766       776       786       796       806       816       826       836       846       856       866       876       886       896       906       916       926       936       946       956        
                                                                                                                                                                                        718|         743|                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
                                                                                                                                                                                         731          749                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Chain B from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:383
               SCOP domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ........eeeeeeeeee.....eeeeee....eeeeeee.......hhhhhhhhhh.........eeeeee....eeeee....eehhhhhhh........hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......hhh.eee..........eee................hhhhh...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........hhhhhhhhhh..........hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...............hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....hhhhhhhh..hhhhhh.hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                   571       581       591       601       611       621       631       641       651       661       671       681       691       701       711     ||734       744|      760       770       780       790       800       810       820       830       840       850       860       870       880       890       900       910       920       930       940       950       960   
                                                                                                                                                                                     717|          744|                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                                                                                                                                                                                      731           751                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

   Legend:   → Mismatch (orange background)
  - → Gap (green background, '-', border residues have a numbering label)
    → Modified Residue (blue background, lower-case, 'x' indicates undefined single-letter code, labelled with number + name)
  x → Chemical Group (purple background, 'x', labelled with number + name, e.g. ACE or NH2)
  extra numbering lines below/above indicate numbering irregularities and modified residue names etc., number ends below/above '|'

 Classification and Annotation

(-) SCOP Domains  (0, 0)

(no "SCOP Domain" information available for 4PL3)

(-) CATH Domains  (0, 0)

(no "CATH Domain" information available for 4PL3)

(-) Pfam Domains  (0, 0)

(no "Pfam Domain" information available for 4PL3)

(-) Gene Ontology  (59, 59)

Asymmetric/Biological Unit(hide GO term definitions)


(-) Interactive Views

Asymmetric/Biological Unit
  Complete Structure
    Jena3D(integrated viewing of ligand, site, SAP, PROSITE, SCOP information)
    WebMol | AstexViewer[tm]@PDBe
(Java Applets, require no local installation except for Java; loading may be slow)
(Java WebStart application, automatic local installation, requires Java; full application with system access!)
(require local installation)
    Molscript (VRML)
(requires installation of a VRML viewer; select preferred view via VRML and generate a mono or stereo PDF format file)
  Ligands, Modified Residues, Ions
    31J  [ RasMol | Jena3D ]  +environment [ RasMol | Jena3D ]
    ADP  [ RasMol | Jena3D ]  +environment [ RasMol | Jena3D ]
    MG  [ RasMol | Jena3D ]  +environment [ RasMol | Jena3D ]
    AC1  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    AC2  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    AC3  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    AC4  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    AC5  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    AC6  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
  Cis Peptide Bonds
    Arg B:890 - Thr B:891   [ RasMol ]  
    Gly A:567 - Lys A:568   [ RasMol ]  
    Gly A:923 - Ser A:924   [ RasMol ]  
    Gly B:567 - Lys B:568   [ RasMol ]  
    Gly B:923 - Ser B:924   [ RasMol ]  
    His B:660 - Leu B:661   [ RasMol ]  
    Ile A:925 - Pro A:926   [ RasMol ]  
    Ile B:925 - Pro B:926   [ RasMol ]  
    Leu B:661 - Gly B:662   [ RasMol ]  
    Phe A:775 - Gly A:776   [ RasMol ]  
    Phe B:775 - Gly B:776   [ RasMol ]  

(-) Still Images

  protein: cartoon or spacefill or dots and stick; nucleic acid: cartoon and stick; ligands: spacefill; active site: stick
  protein, nucleic acid: cartoon; ligands: spacefill; active site: ball and stick

 Databases and Analysis Tools

(-) Databases

Access by PDB/NDB ID
    Family and Domain InformationProDom | SYSTERS
    General Structural InformationGlycoscienceDB | MMDB | NDB | OCA | PDB | PDBe | PDBj | PDBsum | PDBWiki | PQS | PROTEOPEDIA
    Orientation in MembranesOPM
    Protein SurfaceSURFACE
    Secondary StructureDSSP (structure derived) | HSSP (homology derived)
    Structural GenomicsGeneCensus
    Structural NeighboursCE | VAST
    Structure ClassificationCATH | Dali | SCOP
    Validation and Original DataBMRB Data View | BMRB Restraints Grid | EDS | PROCHECK | RECOORD | WHAT_CHECK
Access by UniProt ID/Accession number
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
Access by Enzyme Classificator   (EC Number)
    General Enzyme InformationBRENDA | EC-PDB | Enzyme | IntEnz
    PathwayKEGG | MetaCyc
    General Enzyme InformationBRENDA | EC-PDB | Enzyme | IntEnz
    PathwayKEGG | MetaCyc
Access by Disease Identifier   (MIM ID)
  (no 'MIM ID' available)
    Disease InformationOMIM
Access by GenAge ID
  (no 'GenAge ID' available)
    Age Related InformationGenAge

(-) Analysis Tools

Access by PDB/NDB ID
    Domain InformationXDom
    Interatomic Contacts of Structural UnitsCSU
    Ligand-protein ContactsLPC
    Protein CavitiescastP
    Sequence and Secondary StructurePDBCartoon
    Structure AlignmentSTRAP(Java WebStart application, automatic local installation, requires Java; full application with system access!)
    Structure and Sequence BrowserSTING
Access by UniProt ID/Accession number
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)

 Related Entries

(-) Entries Sharing at Least One Protein Chain (UniProt ID)

        ERN1_MOUSE | Q9EQY04pl4 4pl5

(-) Related Entries Specified in the PDB File

4pl4 4pl5