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(-)Asym./Biol. Unit
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(-) Description

Authors :  A. Brown, A. Amunts, X. C. Bai, Y. Sugimoto, P. C. Edwards, G. Murshudov, S. H. W. Scheres, V. Ramakrishnan
Date :  26 Aug 14  (Deposition) - 15 Oct 14  (Release) - 19 Nov 14  (Revision)
Resolution :  3.40
Chains :  Asym./Biol. Unit :  A,B,D,E,F,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,o,p,q,r,s,t,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Keywords :  Mitochondria, Large Subunit, Rrna, Trna, Ribosome (Keyword Search: [Gene Ontology, PubMed, Web (Google))
Reference :  A. Brown, A. Amunts, X. C. Bai, Y. Sugimoto, P. C. Edwards, G. Murshudov S. H. Scheres, V. Ramakrishnan
Structure Of The Large Ribosomal Subunit From Human Mitochondria.
Science V. 346 718 2014
PubMed-ID: 25278503  |  Reference-DOI: 10.1126/SCIENCE.1258026

(-) Compounds

Molecule 1 - 16S RRNA
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 2 - MT-TRNAVAL
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 3 - UL2
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 4 - UL3
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 5 - UL4
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 6 - BL9
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 7 - UL10
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 8 - UL11
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 9 - UL13
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 10 - UL14
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 11 - UL15
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 12 - UL16
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 13 - BL17
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 14 - UL18
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 15 - BL19
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 16 - BL20
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 17 - BL21
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 18 - UL22
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 19 - UL23
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 20 - UL24
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 21 - BL27
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 22 - BL28
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 23 - UL29
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 24 - UL30
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 25 - BL32
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 26 - BL33
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 27 - BL34
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 28 - BL35
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 29 - BL36
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 30 - ML37
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 31 - ML38
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 32 - ML39
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 33 - ML40
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 34 - ML41
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 35 - ML42
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 36 - ML43
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 37 - ML44
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 38 - ML45
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 39 - ML46
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 40 - ML48
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 41 - ML49
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 42 - ML50
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 43 - ML51
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 44 - ML52
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 45 - ML53
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 46 - ML63
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 47 - ICT1
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 48 - CRIF1
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 49 - BS18A
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
Molecule 50 - MS30
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
    Cell LineHEK293
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606

 Structural Features

(-) Chains, Units

Asymmetric/Biological Unit ABDEFHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkopqrst0123456789

Summary Information (see also Sequences/Alignments below)

(-) Ligands, Modified Residues, Ions  (4, 209)

Asymmetric/Biological Unit (4, 209)
No.NameCountTypeFull Name
3UNK139Mod. Amino Acid
4ZN3Ligand/IonZINC ION

(-) Sites  (66, 66)

Asymmetric Unit (66, 66)
01AC1SOFTWAREU A:2898 , C A:2899 , G A:2909 , A A:2910 , A A:2919BINDING SITE FOR RESIDUE A A 3301
36DC9SOFTWAREA A:1940 , G A:1941 , A A:1971 , A A:1972BINDING SITE FOR RESIDUE MG A 3340
38EC2SOFTWAREA A:2473 , C A:2474 , U A:2475 , U A:3037BINDING SITE FOR RESIDUE MG A 3342
40EC4SOFTWAREA A:2725 , U A:2930 , A A:2931 , LYS F:131BINDING SITE FOR RESIDUE MG A 3344
47FC2SOFTWAREG A:1851 , A A:2935 , C A:2986 , U A:2987BINDING SITE FOR RESIDUE MG A 3351
49FC4SOFTWAREG A:2934 , A A:2935 , C A:2985 , C A:2986BINDING SITE FOR RESIDUE MG A 3353
63GC9SOFTWAREA A:1953 , U A:1954 , A A:2462 , THR E:234 , HIS E:237BINDING SITE FOR RESIDUE MG E 401
64HC1SOFTWARECYS 0:110 , GLU 0:112 , CYS 0:113 , CYS 0:123 , CYS 0:126BINDING SITE FOR RESIDUE ZN 0 200

(-) SS Bonds  (0, 0)

(no "SS Bond" information available for 3J7Y)

(-) Cis Peptide Bonds  (25, 25)

Asymmetric/Biological Unit
1His E:231 -Gly E:232
2Gly E:323 -Asp E:324
3Thr J:104 -Gly J:105
4Gly L:112 -Asn L:113
5Phe P:71 -Pro P:72
6Lys R:136 -Glu R:137
7Lys S:146 -Pro S:147
8Gly V:141 -Glu V:142
9Pro 5:53 -Gly 5:54
10Glu 5:115 -Gly 5:116
11Glu 5:216 -Ser 5:217
12Tyr 5:257 -Pro 5:258
13Pro 5:261 -Ile 5:262
14Arg 6:72 -Thr 6:73
15Asp 6:182 -Asp 6:183
16Asp 6:371 -Ser 6:372
17Pro 7:75 -Gly 7:76
18Phe c:184 -Pro c:185
19Asp d:129 -Ala d:130
20Pro d:267 -Pro d:268
21Tyr g:66 -Pro g:67
22Asp g:77 -Pro g:78
23Pro h:63 -Glu h:64
24Arg k:77 -Gly k:78
25Unk t:20 -Unk t:21

 Sequence-Structure Mapping

(-) SAPs(SNPs)/Variants  (29, 29)

Asymmetric/Biological Unit (29, 29)
No.SourceVariant IDVariantUniProt IDStatusIDChainVariant
18UniProtVAR_070568L156RRM44_HUMANDisease (COXPD16)143697995cL156R
27UniProtVAR_066676P317RRM03_HUMANDisease (COXPD9)387906962EP317R

  SNP/SAP Summary Statistics (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot)

(-) PROSITE Motifs  (4, 4)

Asymmetric/Biological Unit (4, 4)
1RIBOSOMAL_L24PS01108 Ribosomal protein L24 signature.RM24_HUMAN59-76  1V:59-76
2RIBOSOMAL_L13PS00783 Ribosomal protein L13 signature.RM13_HUMAN108-130  1K:108-130
3RIBOSOMAL_L3PS00474 Ribosomal protein L3 signature.RM03_HUMAN198-221  1E:198-221
4DS_RBDPS50137 Double stranded RNA-binding domain (dsRBD) profile.RM44_HUMAN236-306  1c:236-306

(-) Exons   (3, 3)

Asymmetric/Biological Unit (3, 3)
No.Transcript IDExonExon IDGenome LocationLengthIDLocationLengthCountLocationLength

(-) Sequences/Alignments

Asymmetric/Biological Unit
   Reformat: Number of residues per line =  ('0' or empty: single-line sequence representation)
  Number of residues per labelling interval =   
  UniProt sequence: complete  aligned part    
   Show mapping: SCOP domains CATH domains Pfam domains Secondary structure (by author)
SAPs(SNPs) PROSITE motifs Exons
(details for a mapped element are shown in a popup box when the mouse pointer rests over it)
Chain 0 from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:98
 aligned with RM32_HUMAN | Q9BYC8 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:188

    Alignment length:108
                                    88        98       108       118       128       138       148       158       168       178        
               SCOP domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROSITE
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transcript
                                    88        98       108       118       128       138       148       158   |     -    |  178        
                                                                                                             162        173             

Chain 1 from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:52
 aligned with RM33_HUMAN | O75394 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:65

    Alignment length:52
                                    23        33        43        53        63  
               SCOP domains ---------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ---------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ---------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author .eeeeeeee......eeeeeee......eeeeee....eeeeeeeeeeeee. Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ---------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ---------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ---------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    23        33        43        53        63  

Chain 2 from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:43
 aligned with RM34_HUMAN | Q9BQ48 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:92

    Alignment length:43
                                    59        69        79        89   
               SCOP domains ------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ......hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    59        69        79        89   

Chain 3 from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:95
 aligned with RM35_HUMAN | Q9NZE8 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:188

    Alignment length:95
                                   103       113       123       133       143       153       163       173       183     
               SCOP domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author .............hhhhhhheee.....eeee...........hhhhhhhhh.eee.hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........hhhhh....... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C-------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                   103       113       123       133       143       153       163       173       183     

Chain 4 from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:36
 aligned with RM36_HUMAN | Q9P0J6 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:103

    Alignment length:36
                                    76        86        96      
               SCOP domains ------------------------------------ SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------ CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------ Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author .............eeeee..eeeee...hhhhh... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------ SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------------------------ PROSITE
                 Transcript ------------------------------------ Transcript
                                    76        86        96      

Chain 5 from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:376
 aligned with RM37_HUMAN | Q9BZE1 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:423

    Alignment length:392
                                    40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120       130       140       150       160       170       180       190       200       210       220       230       240       250       260       270       280       290       300       310       320       330       340       350       360       370       380       390       400       410       420  
               SCOP domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ................hhhhhh...............................hhhhh...............eeee........hhhhhhhhhheeee...hhhhhhh..--------.hhhhhhhhhhhhh........hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.hhhhh.eeee......eee......eee.....eeeee........hhhhhhhhh................eee..................eeeeee............hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............eeee........eeee........---...eeeeee...............-----.........hhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120       130       140|      150       160       170       180       190       200       210       220       230       240       250       260       270       280       290       300       310       320       330       340       350       360    |  370       380       390 |     400       410       420  
                                                                                                                                        141      150                                                                                                                                                                                                                    365 369                    392   398                        

Chain 6 from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:325
 aligned with RM38_HUMAN | Q96DV4 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:380

    Alignment length:354
                                    36        46        56        66        76        86        96       106       116       126       136       146       156       166       176       186       196       206       216       226       236       246       256       266       276       286       296       306       316       326       336       346       356       366       376    
               SCOP domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------W-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H--------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROSITE
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transcript
                                    36        46        56        66        76  |      -         -  |    106       116 | |   | -|      136       146       156       166       176       186       196       206  |   |216       226       236       246       256       266       276     |   -|      296       306       316       326       336       346       356       366       376    
                                                                               79                  99                118 | 124  |                                                                               209 213                                                                  282  287                                                                                             
                                                                                                                       120    127                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Chain 7 from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:266
 aligned with RM39_HUMAN | Q9NYK5 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:338

    Alignment length:287
                                    45        55        65        75        85        95       105       115       125       135       145       155       165       175       185       195       205       215       225       235       245       255       265       275       285       295       305       315       
               SCOP domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    45        55        65        75        85        95       105       115       125       135       145       155  |    165       175       185       195       205       215       225       235       245       255       265       275       285       295       305       315       
                                                                                                                                                    158    165                 185     193                                                                                         285      294                            

Chain 8 from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:57
 aligned with RM40_HUMAN | Q9NQ50 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:206

    Alignment length:57
                                   116       126       136       146       156       
               SCOP domains --------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains --------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains --------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author .hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ----------------------H---------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE --------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript --------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    72        82        92       102       112       

Chain 9 from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:109
 aligned with RM41_HUMAN | Q8IXM3 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:137

    Alignment length:123
                                    24        34        44        54        64        74        84        94       104       114       124       134   
               SCOP domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    24        34        44        54        64        74        84        94        |-         -   |   124       134   
                                                                                                                  103            118                   

Chain A from PDB  Type:RNA  Length:1473
                                  1680      1690      1700      1711      1721      1731||    1745      1755    ||1770      1780      1790      1800      1810      1820      1830      1840      1850      1860      1870      1880      1890      1900      1910      1920      1930    ||1942      1952      1962      1972      1982      1992      2002      2012      2022      2032      2042      2052      2062    ||2076      2086      2096      2106      2116      2126      2136      2146      2156      2166      2176      2186      2196      2206      2216 ||   2235      2245      2255      2265      2275      2285      2295      2305      2315      2325      2335      2345     |2363      2373      2383      2393      2403      2413      2423      2433      2443      2453      2463      2473      2483      2493      2503      2513      2523      2533      2543      2553      2563      2573 ||   2587      2597      2607      2617      2627      2637      2647      2657      2667      2677      2687      2697      2707      2717      2727      2737      2747      2757  ||  2798      2808      2818      2828      2838      2848      2858      2868      2878  ||  2895      2905      2915      2925      2935      2945      2955      2965      2975      2985      2995      3005      3015      3025      3035      3045      3055      3065      3075      3085      3095      3105   || 3118      3128      3138      3148      3158      3168      3178      3188      3202    ||3216      3226 ||
                                                               1709|                 1732|                   1760|                                                                                                                                                                     1935|                                                                                                                             2067|                                                                                                                                              2218|                                                                                                                       2351| ||                                                                                                                                                                                                                2575|                                                                                                                                                                                2760|                                                                                     2881|                                                                                                                                                                                                                        3109|                                                                               3196|  3207|            3228|
                                                                1711                  1737                    1766                                                                                                                                                                      1938                                                                                                                              2072                                                                                                                                               2228                                                                                                                        2357 ||                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2580                                                                                                                                                                                 2792                                                                                      2889                                                                                                                                                                                                                         3113                                                                                3201   3212             3301

Chain B from PDB  Type:RNA  Length:57
                            ||    1611    ||1625      1635      1645||  ||1663       
                            ||         1616|                     1646|  ||  ||       
                         1601|          1621                      1648  ||  ||       
                          1603                                       1651|  ||       
                                                                      1658  ||       

Chain D from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:236
 aligned with RM02_HUMAN | Q5T653 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:305

    Alignment length:236
                                    70        80        90       100       110       120       130       140       150       160       170       180       190       200       210       220       230       240       250       260       270       280       290      
               SCOP domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    70        80        90       100       110       120       130       140       150       160       170       180       190       200       210       220       230       240       250       260       270       280       290      

Chain E from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:300
 aligned with RM03_HUMAN | P09001 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:348

    Alignment length:304
                                    54        64        74        84        94       104       114       124       134       144       154       164       174       184       194       204       214       224       234       244       254       264       274       284       294       304       314       324       334       344    
               SCOP domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------T-------------------------------------------------------R------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RIBOSOMAL_L3            ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    54        64        74        84        94       104       114       124       134|    | 144       154       164       174       184       194       204       214       224       234       244       254       264       274       284       294       304       314       324       334       344    
                                                                                                                    135  140                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Chain F from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:250
 aligned with RM04_HUMAN | Q9BYD3 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:311

    Alignment length:250
                                    54        64        74        84        94       104       114       124       134       144       154       164       174       184       194       204       214       224       234       244       254       264       274       284       294
               SCOP domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    54        64        74        84        94       104       114       124       134       144       154       164       174       184       194       204       214       224       234       244       254       264       274       284       294

Chain H from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:95
 aligned with RM09_HUMAN | Q9BYD2 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:267

    Alignment length:95
                                    62        72        82        92       102       112       122       132       142     
               SCOP domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author .eeeee.....................eeeeee.......eeeeee............eeeeehhhhhhhhhhhh.eee.hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) --------------G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    62        72        82        92       102       112       122       132       142     

Chain I from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:158
 aligned with RM10_HUMAN | Q7Z7H8 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:261

    Alignment length:168
                                    39        49        59        69        79        89        99       109       119       129       139       149       159       169       179       189        
               SCOP domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROSITE
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transcript
                                    39        49        59      |  -       |79        89        99       109       119       129       139       149       159       169       179       189        
                                                               66         77                                                                                                                        

Chain J from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:140
 aligned with RM11_HUMAN | Q9Y3B7 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:192

    Alignment length:140
                                    27        37        47        57        67        77        87        97       107       117       127       137       147       157
               SCOP domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    27        37        47        57        67        77        87        97       107       117       127       137       147       157

Chain K from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:177
 aligned with RM13_HUMAN | Q9BYD1 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:178

    Alignment length:177
                                    11        21        31        41        51        61        71        81        91       101       111       121       131       141       151       161       171       
               SCOP domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ...hhhhhhhhhh...eeeee......hhhhhhhhhhhhh..............eeeeehhhh.eee.hhhhhheeeee......eeeeehhhhhhhh.hhhhhhhhhhhh...hhhhhhhhheee......hhhhhhhh.................hhhhhhhh............ Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RIBOSOMAL_L13          ------------------------------------------------ PROSITE
                 Transcript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    11        21        31        41        51        61        71        81        91       101       111       121       131       141       151       161       171       

Chain L from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:115
 aligned with RM14_HUMAN | Q6P1L8 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:145

    Alignment length:115
                                    40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120       130       140     
               SCOP domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120       130       140     

Chain M from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:287
 aligned with RM15_HUMAN | Q9P015 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:296

    Alignment length:287
                                    19        29        39        49        59        69        79        89        99       109       119       129       139       149       159       169       179       189       199       209       219       229       239       249       259       269       279       289       
               SCOP domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author .hhhhhh........................................................hhhhhh.......hhhhh.eeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh........hhhhhhhhh.........eeeeeee...........eeee.eehhhhhhhhhhh..eeee...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............hhhhhhhhhhh.......hhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........hhhhhh................eee....eee...hhhhhhhhhh Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    19        29        39        49        59        69        79        89        99       109       119       129       139       149       159       169       179       189       199       209       219       229       239       249       259       269       279       289       

Chain N from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:205
 aligned with RM16_HUMAN | Q9NX20 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:251

    Alignment length:205
                                    56        66        76        86        96       106       116       126       136       146       156       166       176       186       196       206       216       226       236       246     
               SCOP domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author .....................hhhhh..............eeeee...eeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....eeeee......eeeee............eeeeeeeee....eeeeeee..hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...eeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....hhhhhhhh...hhhhh...................... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q-------C-------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    56        66        76        86        96       106       116       126       136       146       156       166       176       186       196       206       216       226       236       246     

Chain O from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:152
 aligned with RM17_HUMAN | Q9NRX2 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:175

    Alignment length:152
                                    18        28        38        48        58        68        78        88        98       108       118       128       138       148       158  
               SCOP domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ............hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..eeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...hhhhhhhhhhhh...hhhhhhhhhhhhhh........eeeee.........eeeee..................hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
               Transcript 1 Exon 1.1a  PDB: O:9-58 UniProt: 1-58 [INCOMPLETE] Exon 1.1d  PDB: O:59-81Exon 1.2c  PDB: O:82-160 UniProt: 82-175 [INCOMPLETE]                           Transcript 1
                                    18        28        38        48        58        68        78        88        98       108       118       128       138       148       158  

Chain P from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:133
 aligned with A8K9D2_HUMAN | A8K9D2 from UniProtKB/TrEMBL  Length:179

    Alignment length:138
                                    51        61        71        81        91       101       111       121       131       141       151       161       171        
               SCOP domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ...........hhhhhh.......................eee....eeeeee.....eeeeehhhhh.....-----.hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROSITE
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transcript
                                    51        61        71        81        91       101       111  |    121       131       141       151       161       171        
                                                                                                  114   120                                                           

Chain P from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:133
 aligned with RM18_HUMAN | Q9H0U6 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:180

    Alignment length:138
                                    52        62        72        82        92       102       112       122       132       142       152       162       172        
               SCOP domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ...........hhhhhh.......................eee....eeeeee.....eeeeehhhhh.....-----.hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROSITE
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transcript
                                    51        61        71        81        91       101       111  |    121       131       141       151       161       171        
                                                                                                  114   120                                                           

Chain Q from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:204
 aligned with RM19_HUMAN | P49406 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:292

    Alignment length:219
                                    83        93       103       113       123       133       143       153       163       173       183       193       203       213       223       233       243       253       263       273       283         
               SCOP domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ..............hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........eeeeeee.......eeeeeeeeeeee.hhhh.eeeeeeee..eeeeeeee.......eeeeee........hhhhhhh....---------------...............................hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...............hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    83        93       103       113       123       133       143       153       163       173       183       193   |     -       213       223       233       243       253       263       273       283         
                                                                                                                                                     197             213                                                                               

Chain R from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:140
 aligned with RM20_HUMAN | Q9BYC9 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:149

    Alignment length:140
                                    19        29        39        49        59        69        79        89        99       109       119       129       139       149
               SCOP domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ......hhhhhhhhhhhhhh..hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...hhhhhhhhhhhhh...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh................ Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    19        29        39        49        59        69        79        89        99       109       119       129       139       149

Chain S from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:156
 aligned with RM21_HUMAN | Q7Z2W9 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:205

    Alignment length:156
                                    58        68        78        88        98       108       118       128       138       148       158       168       178       188       198      
               SCOP domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ...................hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....eeeeee..eeeeee...eeee..........eeee..eeeee..eeeee.........eeeeeeeeeeee...eeeeeee....eeeeeee..eeeeeeeeeeee.... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROSITE
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transcript
                                    58        68        78        88        98       108       118       128       138       148       158       168       178       188       198      

Chain T from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:166
 aligned with E7ESL0_HUMAN | E7ESL0 from UniProtKB/TrEMBL  Length:212

    Alignment length:166
                                    56        66        76        86        96       106       116       126       136       146       156       166       176       186       196       206      
               SCOP domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ..hhhhhhh................eeeeeeeee..hhhhhhhhhhhhh..hhhhhhhhhhhh.hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....hhh.eeeeeeeeee...eeee.........eeee..eeeeeeeee..........hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S---------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    56        66        76        86        96       106       116       126       136       146       156       166       176       186       196       206      

Chain T from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:166
 aligned with RM22_HUMAN | Q9NWU5 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:206

    Alignment length:166
                                    50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120       130       140       150       160       170       180       190       200      
               SCOP domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ..hhhhhhh................eeeeeeeee..hhhhhhhhhhhhh..hhhhhhhhhhhh.hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....hhh.eeeeeeeeee...eeee.........eeee..eeeeeeeee..........hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S---------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    56        66        76        86        96       106       116       126       136       146       156       166       176       186       196       206      

Chain U from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:111
 aligned with RM23_HUMAN | Q16540 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:153

    Alignment length:111
                                    11        21        31        41        51        61        71        81        91       101       111 
               SCOP domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ---------Q--------------------S-V----------------------------------------------N------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    11        21        31        41        51        61        71        81        91       101       111 

Chain V from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:189
 aligned with RM24_HUMAN | Q96A35 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:216

    Alignment length:202
                                    24        34        44        54        64        74        84        94       104       114       124       134       144       154       164       174       184       194       204       214  
               SCOP domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE --------------------------------------------RIBOSOMAL_L24     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    24        34        44 |   |  54        64        74        84        94       104       114       124       134       144       154   |     -    |  174       184       194       204       214  
                                                          46  50                                                                                                         158        169                                               

Chain W from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:107
 aligned with RM27_HUMAN | Q9P0M9 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:148

    Alignment length:107
                                    51        61        71        81        91       101       111       121       131       141       
               SCOP domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    51        61        71        81        91       101       111       121       131       141       

Chain X from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:243
 aligned with RM28_HUMAN | Q13084 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:256

    Alignment length:243
                                    11        21        31        41        51        61        71        81        91       101       111       121       131       141       151       161       171       181       191       201       211       221       231       241   
               SCOP domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author .....hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..................................................eeeeee........eeeeee......eeeee....eeeee..hhhhhhhhhhh.hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......hhhhhhhhhhhh.....hhhhhhhh..hhhhhhhhhhhhh.....hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) -------------------------Y------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------E---------------------------------------------------------------------C-------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    11        21        31        41        51        61        71        81        91       101       111       121       131       141       151       161       171       181       191       201       211       221       231       241   

Chain Y from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:176
 aligned with RM47_HUMAN | Q9HD33 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:250

    Alignment length:176
                                    72        82        92       102       112       122       132       142       152       162       172       182       192       202       212       222       232      
               SCOP domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    72        82        92       102       112       122       132       142       152       162       172       182       192       202       212       222       232      

Chain Z from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:120
 aligned with RM30_HUMAN | Q8TCC3 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:161

    Alignment length:120
                                    44        54        64        74        84        94       104       114       124       134       144       154
               SCOP domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ..............hhhhhhhh.........eeeeee.......hhhhhhhhhhhh......eeeee.hhhhhhhhhhh...eeeee........hhhhh.................... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------T------------------------ SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROSITE
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transcript
                                    44        54        64        74        84        94       104       114       124       134       144       154

Chain a from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:39
 aligned with RM42_HUMAN | Q9Y6G3 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:142

    Alignment length:39
                                   113       123       133         
               SCOP domains --------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains --------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains --------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author .hhhhhhhhhhhhh.hhhhh...hhhhhhhh........ Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) --------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE --------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript --------------------------------------- Transcript
                                   113       123       133         

Chain b from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:148
 aligned with RM43_HUMAN | Q8N983 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:215

    Alignment length:148
                                    11        21        31        41        51        61        71        81        91       101       111       121       131       141        
               SCOP domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    11        21        31        41        51        61        71        81        91       101       111       121       131       141        

Chain c from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:275
 aligned with RM44_HUMAN | Q9H9J2 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:332

    Alignment length:286
                                    40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120       130       140       150       160       170       180       190       200       210       220       230       240       250       260       270       280       290       300       310      
               SCOP domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ....hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............hhhhhhhhhhhhh....hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-----------...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...hhhhhhhhhhhhhh.hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............hhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......eeeee.......eeeeeee....eeeeeee.hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I-----------------R---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DS_RBD  PDB: c:236-306 UniProt: 236-306                                ---------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    40        50        60        70        80        90       100      |  -       120       130       140       150       160       170       180       190       200       210       220       230       240       250       260       270       280       290       300       310      
                                                                                                      107         119                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Chain d from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:162
 aligned with RM45_HUMAN | Q9BRJ2 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:306

    Alignment length:171
                                   126       136       146       156       166       176       186       196       206       216       226       236       246       256       266       276       286 
               SCOP domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                   126       136       146       156       166       176       186       196  |      -|      216       226       236       246     | 256       266       276       286 
                                                                                                            199     207                                          252  |                                

Chain e from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:134
 aligned with RM46_HUMAN | Q9H2W6 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:279

    Alignment length:134
                                   154       164       174       184       194       204       214       224       234       244       254       264       274    
               SCOP domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author .eee..eeee..eeeee.....................hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...eeee.........................eee..eee..............eeee.............hhhhhhhhhh Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                   110       120       130       140       150       160       170       180       190       200       210       220       230    

Chain f from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:95
 aligned with RM48_HUMAN | Q96GC5 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:212

    Alignment length:157
                                    57        67        77        87        97       107       117       127       137       147       157       167       177       187       197       
               SCOP domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                3j7y f   48 YKTKPTHGIGKYKHLI-----------------------------------DMTLAESYAQYVHNLCNSLSIKVEESYAMP---------------------LTTHERVVQISGLSATFAEIFLEIIQS----GVRLSV-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx  328
                                    57     |   -         -         -         - |     107       117       127|        -         -  |    157       167        |-   |    |-|||||||321|||||||
                                          63                                  99                          128                   150                       176  181  186 |||||||321-UNK|||
                                                                                                                                                                      260-UNK|| 322-UNK||
                                                                                                                                                                       261-UNK| |323-UNK|
                                                                                                                                                                        262-UNK | 324-UNK
                                                                                                                                                                         263-UNK|  325-UNK
                                                                                                                                                                          264-UNK   326-UNK
                                                                                                                                                                           265-UNK   327-UNK
                                                                                                                                                                            266-UNK   328-UNK

Chain g from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:129
 aligned with RM49_HUMAN | Q13405 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:166

    Alignment length:129
                                    47        57        67        77        87        97       107       117       127       137       147       157         
               SCOP domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    47        57        67        77        87        97       107       117       127       137       147       157         

Chain h from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:100
 aligned with RM50_HUMAN | Q8N5N7 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:158

    Alignment length:103
                                    65        75        85        95       105       115       125       135       145       155   
               SCOP domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) -----------------------------------------------------------------------F------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    65        75  |   | 85        95       105       115       125       135       145       155   
                                                 78  82                                                                            

Chain i from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:96
 aligned with RM51_HUMAN | Q4U2R6 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:128

    Alignment length:96
                                    41        51        61        71        81        91       101       111       121      
               SCOP domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ................hhhhhh...............hhhhh...hhhhh....hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ----------------------------------------------------------------------I------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROSITE
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transcript
                                    41        51        61        71        81        91       101       111       121      

Chain j from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:85
 aligned with RM52_HUMAN | Q86TS9 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:123

    Alignment length:85
                                    33        43        53        63        73        83        93       103     
               SCOP domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ..hhhhhh.................eee........hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------R---- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    33        43        53        63        73        83        93       103     

Chain k from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:84
 aligned with RM53_HUMAN | Q96EL3 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:112

    Alignment length:84
                                    22        32        42        52        62        72        82        92    
               SCOP domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROSITE
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transcript
                                    22        32        42        52        62        72        82        92    

Chain o from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:94
 aligned with RT63_HUMAN | Q9BQC6 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:102

    Alignment length:94
                                    18        28        38        48        58        68        78        88        98    
               SCOP domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ...................hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....hhhhh..hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......hhhhhhhhhhhhh... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    18        28        38        48        58        68        78        88        98    

Chain p from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:83
 aligned with ICT1_HUMAN | Q14197 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:206

    Alignment length:93
                                    80        90       100       110       120       130       140       150       160   
               SCOP domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------F--------------------------------------------M----------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    79   |     -    |  100       110       120       130       140       150       160   
                                        83         95                                                                    

Chain q from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:128
 aligned with G45IP_HUMAN | Q8TAE8 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:222

    Alignment length:128
                                    34        44        54        64        74        84        94       104       114       124       134       144        
               SCOP domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author .......................hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......hhhhh..hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    34        44        54        64        74        84        94       104       114       124       134       144        

Chain r from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:146
 aligned with RT18A_HUMAN | Q9NVS2 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:196

    Alignment length:162
                                    44        54        64        74        84        94       104       114       124       134       144       154       164       174       184       194  
               SCOP domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author .eeeee.-----.eeeeee................hhhhhhh........hhhhhhhhh.......hhhhhh.hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........-----------..eee................hhhhh......................... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROSITE
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transcript
                                  |  -  |     54        64        74        84        94       104       114       124       134         - |     154       164       174       184       194  
                                 41    47                                                                                    134         146                                                  

Chain s from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:370
 aligned with RT30_HUMAN | Q9NP92 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:439

    Alignment length:390
                                    50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120       130       140       150       160       170       180       190       200       210       220       230       240       250       260       270       280       290       300       310       320       330       340       350       360       370       380       390       400       410       420       430
               SCOP domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATH domains
               Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ..............hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.hhhhhhhhhhh....eeee.......hhhhhhhhhhheeeee...--------------------.h Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) -------------------------------------------------------------V---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROSITE
                 Transcript ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transcript
                                    50        60        70        80        90       100       110        |-         -       140       150       160       170       180       190       200       210       220       230       240       250       260       270       280       290       300       310       320       330       340       350       360       370       380       390       400       410       420       430
                                                                                                        119                  140                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Chain t from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:123
               SCOP domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author ..........eeeeee.......eeeeeee..........hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......hhhhhh............hhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                3j7y t    1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  414
                              3-UNK|| 12-UNK|| 21-UNK|| 30-UNK|| 39-UNK||108-UNK||117-UNK||126-UNK||207-UNK||216-UNK||307-UNK||316-UNK||402-UNK||411-UNK
                               4-UNK|  13-UNK|  22-UNK|  31-UNK| 100-UNK| 109-UNK| 118-UNK| 127-UNK| 208-UNK| 217-UNK| 308-UNK| 317-UNK| 403-UNK| 412-UNK
                                5-UNK   14-UNK   23-UNK   32-UNK  101-UNK  110-UNK  119-UNK  200-UNK  209-UNK  300-UNK  309-UNK  318-UNK  404-UNK  413-UNK
                                 6-UNK   15-UNK   24-UNK   33-UNK  102-UNK  111-UNK  120-UNK  201-UNK  210-UNK  301-UNK  310-UNK  319-UNK  405-UNK  414-UNK
                                  7-UNK   16-UNK   25-UNK   34-UNK  103-UNK  112-UNK  121-UNK  202-UNK  211-UNK  302-UNK  311-UNK  320-UNK  406-UNK    
                                   8-UNK   17-UNK   26-UNK   35-UNK  104-UNK  113-UNK  122-UNK  203-UNK  212-UNK  303-UNK  312-UNK  321-UNK  407-UNK   
                                    9-UNK   18-UNK   27-UNK   36-UNK  105-UNK  114-UNK  123-UNK  204-UNK  213-UNK  304-UNK  313-UNK  322-UNK  408-UNK  

   Legend:   → Mismatch (orange background)
  - → Gap (green background, '-', border residues have a numbering label)
    → Modified Residue (blue background, lower-case, 'x' indicates undefined single-letter code, labelled with number + name)
  x → Chemical Group (purple background, 'x', labelled with number + name, e.g. ACE or NH2)
  extra numbering lines below/above indicate numbering irregularities and modified residue names etc., number ends below/above '|'

 Classification and Annotation

(-) SCOP Domains  (0, 0)

(no "SCOP Domain" information available for 3J7Y)

(-) CATH Domains  (0, 0)

(no "CATH Domain" information available for 3J7Y)

(-) Pfam Domains  (0, 0)

(no "Pfam Domain" information available for 3J7Y)

(-) Gene Ontology  (70, 542)

Asymmetric/Biological Unit(hide GO term definitions)
Chain 0   (RM32_HUMAN | Q9BYC8)
molecular function
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0015934    large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005761    mitochondrial ribosome    A ribosome found in the mitochondrion of a eukaryotic cell; contains a characteristic set of proteins distinct from those of cytosolic ribosomes.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain 1   (RM33_HUMAN | O75394)
molecular function
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain 2   (RM34_HUMAN | Q9BQ48)
molecular function
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005761    mitochondrial ribosome    A ribosome found in the mitochondrion of a eukaryotic cell; contains a characteristic set of proteins distinct from those of cytosolic ribosomes.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain 3   (RM35_HUMAN | Q9NZE8)
molecular function
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005761    mitochondrial ribosome    A ribosome found in the mitochondrion of a eukaryotic cell; contains a characteristic set of proteins distinct from those of cytosolic ribosomes.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain 4   (RM36_HUMAN | Q9P0J6)
molecular function
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0042254    ribosome biogenesis    A cellular process that results in the biosynthesis of constituent macromolecules, assembly, and arrangement of constituent parts of ribosome subunits; includes transport to the sites of protein synthesis.
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain 5   (RM37_HUMAN | Q9BZE1)
molecular function
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005761    mitochondrial ribosome    A ribosome found in the mitochondrion of a eukaryotic cell; contains a characteristic set of proteins distinct from those of cytosolic ribosomes.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain 6   (RM38_HUMAN | Q96DV4)
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain 7   (RM39_HUMAN | Q9NYK5)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0016876    ligase activity, forming aminoacyl-tRNA and related compounds    Catalysis of the joining of an amino acid and a nucleic acid (usually tRNA) or poly(ribitol phosphate), with the concomitant hydrolysis of the diphosphate bond in ATP or a similar triphosphate. The reaction forms an aminoacyl-tRNA or a related compound.
    GO:0000166    nucleotide binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a nucleotide, any compound consisting of a nucleoside that is esterified with (ortho)phosphate or an oligophosphate at any hydroxyl group on the ribose or deoxyribose.
    GO:0004827    proline-tRNA ligase activity    Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + L-proline + tRNA(Pro) = AMP + diphosphate + L-prolyl-tRNA(Pro).
biological process
    GO:0008150    biological_process    Any process specifically pertinent to the functioning of integrated living units: cells, tissues, organs, and organisms. A process is a collection of molecular events with a defined beginning and end.
    GO:0000002    mitochondrial genome maintenance    The maintenance of the structure and integrity of the mitochondrial genome; includes replication and segregation of the mitochondrial chromosome.
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006433    prolyl-tRNA aminoacylation    The process of coupling proline to prolyl-tRNA, catalyzed by prolyl-tRNA synthetase. In tRNA aminoacylation, the amino acid is first activated by linkage to AMP and then transferred to either the 2'- or the 3'-hydroxyl group of the 3'-adenosine residue of the tRNA.
    GO:0006418    tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation    The synthesis of aminoacyl tRNA by the formation of an ester bond between the 3'-hydroxyl group of the most 3' adenosine of the tRNA, to be used in ribosome-mediated polypeptide synthesis.
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005761    mitochondrial ribosome    A ribosome found in the mitochondrion of a eukaryotic cell; contains a characteristic set of proteins distinct from those of cytosolic ribosomes.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain 8   (RM40_HUMAN | Q9NQ50)
molecular function
    GO:0005515    protein binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
biological process
    GO:0009653    anatomical structure morphogenesis    The process in which anatomical structures are generated and organized. Morphogenesis pertains to the creation of form.
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005761    mitochondrial ribosome    A ribosome found in the mitochondrion of a eukaryotic cell; contains a characteristic set of proteins distinct from those of cytosolic ribosomes.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005730    nucleolus    A small, dense body one or more of which are present in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. It is rich in RNA and protein, is not bounded by a limiting membrane, and is not seen during mitosis. Its prime function is the transcription of the nucleolar DNA into 45S ribosomal-precursor RNA, the processing of this RNA into 5.8S, 18S, and 28S components of ribosomal RNA, and the association of these components with 5S RNA and proteins synthesized outside the nucleolus. This association results in the formation of ribonucleoprotein precursors; these pass into the cytoplasm and mature into the 40S and 60S subunits of the ribosome.
    GO:0005634    nucleus    A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain 9   (RM41_HUMAN | Q8IXM3)
molecular function
    GO:0005515    protein binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0006915    apoptotic process    A programmed cell death process which begins when a cell receives an internal (e.g. DNA damage) or external signal (e.g. an extracellular death ligand), and proceeds through a series of biochemical events (signaling pathway phase) which trigger an execution phase. The execution phase is the last step of an apoptotic process, and is typically characterized by rounding-up of the cell, retraction of pseudopodes, reduction of cellular volume (pyknosis), chromatin condensation, nuclear fragmentation (karyorrhexis), plasma membrane blebbing and fragmentation of the cell into apoptotic bodies. When the execution phase is completed, the cell has died.
    GO:0007049    cell cycle    The progression of biochemical and morphological phases and events that occur in a cell during successive cell replication or nuclear replication events. Canonically, the cell cycle comprises the replication and segregation of genetic material followed by the division of the cell, but in endocycles or syncytial cells nuclear replication or nuclear division may not be followed by cell division.
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain D   (RM02_HUMAN | Q5T653)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
    GO:0016740    transferase activity    Catalysis of the transfer of a group, e.g. a methyl group, glycosyl group, acyl group, phosphorus-containing, or other groups, from one compound (generally regarded as the donor) to another compound (generally regarded as the acceptor). Transferase is the systematic name for any enzyme of EC class 2.
biological process
    GO:0002181    cytoplasmic translation    The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of a protein in the cytoplasm. This is a ribosome-mediated process in which the information in messenger RNA (mRNA) is used to specify the sequence of amino acids in the protein.
    GO:0032543    mitochondrial translation    The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of a protein in a mitochondrion. This is a ribosome-mediated process in which the information in messenger RNA (mRNA) is used to specify the sequence of amino acids in the protein; the mitochondrion has its own ribosomes and transfer RNAs, and uses a genetic code that differs from the nuclear code.
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0015934    large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain E   (RM03_HUMAN | P09001)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain F   (RM04_HUMAN | Q9BYD3)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0005515    protein binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0022626    cytosolic ribosome    A ribosome located in the cytosol.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain H   (RM09_HUMAN | Q9BYD2)
molecular function
    GO:0005515    protein binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005761    mitochondrial ribosome    A ribosome found in the mitochondrion of a eukaryotic cell; contains a characteristic set of proteins distinct from those of cytosolic ribosomes.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain I   (RM10_HUMAN | Q7Z7H8)
molecular function
    GO:0005515    protein binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0042254    ribosome biogenesis    A cellular process that results in the biosynthesis of constituent macromolecules, assembly, and arrangement of constituent parts of ribosome subunits; includes transport to the sites of protein synthesis.
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005654    nucleoplasm    That part of the nuclear content other than the chromosomes or the nucleolus.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain J   (RM11_HUMAN | Q9Y3B7)
molecular function
    GO:0005515    protein binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0000027    ribosomal large subunit assembly    The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of constituent RNAs and proteins to form the large ribosomal subunit.
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005761    mitochondrial ribosome    A ribosome found in the mitochondrion of a eukaryotic cell; contains a characteristic set of proteins distinct from those of cytosolic ribosomes.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain K   (RM13_HUMAN | Q9BYD1)
molecular function
    GO:0003729    mRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with messenger RNA (mRNA), an intermediate molecule between DNA and protein. mRNA includes UTR and coding sequences, but does not contain introns.
    GO:0005515    protein binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005761    mitochondrial ribosome    A ribosome found in the mitochondrion of a eukaryotic cell; contains a characteristic set of proteins distinct from those of cytosolic ribosomes.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain L   (RM14_HUMAN | Q6P1L8)
molecular function
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain M   (RM15_HUMAN | Q9P015)
molecular function
    GO:0005515    protein binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0015934    large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain N   (RM16_HUMAN | Q9NX20)
molecular function
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0032543    mitochondrial translation    The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of a protein in a mitochondrion. This is a ribosome-mediated process in which the information in messenger RNA (mRNA) is used to specify the sequence of amino acids in the protein; the mitochondrion has its own ribosomes and transfer RNAs, and uses a genetic code that differs from the nuclear code.
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain O   (RM17_HUMAN | Q9NRX2)
molecular function
    GO:0019904    protein domain specific binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a specific domain of a protein.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0000002    mitochondrial genome maintenance    The maintenance of the structure and integrity of the mitochondrial genome; includes replication and segregation of the mitochondrial chromosome.
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain P   (RM18_HUMAN | Q9H0U6)
molecular function
    GO:0008097    5S rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with 5S ribosomal RNA, the smallest RNA constituent of a ribosome.
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0035928    rRNA import into mitochondrion    The directed movement of rRNA, ribosomal ribonucleic acid, from the cytoplasm into a mitochondrion.
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
    GO:0006810    transport    The directed movement of substances (such as macromolecules, small molecules, ions) or cellular components (such as complexes and organelles) into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, or within a multicellular organism by means of some agent such as a transporter, pore or motor protein.
cellular component
    GO:0005615    extracellular space    That part of a multicellular organism outside the cells proper, usually taken to be outside the plasma membranes, and occupied by fluid.
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005761    mitochondrial ribosome    A ribosome found in the mitochondrion of a eukaryotic cell; contains a characteristic set of proteins distinct from those of cytosolic ribosomes.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain P   (A8K9D2_HUMAN | A8K9D2)
molecular function
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain Q   (RM19_HUMAN | P49406)
molecular function
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0031965    nuclear membrane    Either of the lipid bilayers that surround the nucleus and form the nuclear envelope; excludes the intermembrane space.
    GO:0005634    nucleus    A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain R   (RM20_HUMAN | Q9BYC9)
molecular function
    GO:0005515    protein binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
    GO:0019843    rRNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ribosomal RNA.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0000027    ribosomal large subunit assembly    The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of constituent RNAs and proteins to form the large ribosomal subunit.
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005761    mitochondrial ribosome    A ribosome found in the mitochondrion of a eukaryotic cell; contains a characteristic set of proteins distinct from those of cytosolic ribosomes.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain S   (RM21_HUMAN | Q7Z2W9)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain T   (RM22_HUMAN | Q9NWU5)
molecular function
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0015934    large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain T   (E7ESL0_HUMAN | E7ESL0)
molecular function
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0015934    large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain U   (RM23_HUMAN | Q16540)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0000166    nucleotide binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a nucleotide, any compound consisting of a nucleoside that is esterified with (ortho)phosphate or an oligophosphate at any hydroxyl group on the ribose or deoxyribose.
    GO:0005515    protein binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0032543    mitochondrial translation    The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of a protein in a mitochondrion. This is a ribosome-mediated process in which the information in messenger RNA (mRNA) is used to specify the sequence of amino acids in the protein; the mitochondrion has its own ribosomes and transfer RNAs, and uses a genetic code that differs from the nuclear code.
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005730    nucleolus    A small, dense body one or more of which are present in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. It is rich in RNA and protein, is not bounded by a limiting membrane, and is not seen during mitosis. Its prime function is the transcription of the nucleolar DNA into 45S ribosomal-precursor RNA, the processing of this RNA into 5.8S, 18S, and 28S components of ribosomal RNA, and the association of these components with 5S RNA and proteins synthesized outside the nucleolus. This association results in the formation of ribonucleoprotein precursors; these pass into the cytoplasm and mature into the 40S and 60S subunits of the ribosome.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain V   (RM24_HUMAN | Q96A35)
molecular function
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain W   (RM27_HUMAN | Q9P0M9)
molecular function
    GO:0005515    protein binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain X   (RM28_HUMAN | Q13084)
molecular function
    GO:0005515    protein binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005737    cytoplasm    All of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005761    mitochondrial ribosome    A ribosome found in the mitochondrion of a eukaryotic cell; contains a characteristic set of proteins distinct from those of cytosolic ribosomes.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain Y   (RM47_HUMAN | Q9HD33)
molecular function
    GO:0003674    molecular_function    Elemental activities, such as catalysis or binding, describing the actions of a gene product at the molecular level. A given gene product may exhibit one or more molecular functions.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0008150    biological_process    Any process specifically pertinent to the functioning of integrated living units: cells, tissues, organs, and organisms. A process is a collection of molecular events with a defined beginning and end.
    GO:0032543    mitochondrial translation    The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of a protein in a mitochondrion. This is a ribosome-mediated process in which the information in messenger RNA (mRNA) is used to specify the sequence of amino acids in the protein; the mitochondrion has its own ribosomes and transfer RNAs, and uses a genetic code that differs from the nuclear code.
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005575    cellular_component    The part of a cell, extracellular environment or virus in which a gene product is located. A gene product may be located in one or more parts of a cell and its location may be as specific as a particular macromolecular complex, that is, a stable, persistent association of macromolecules that function together.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005761    mitochondrial ribosome    A ribosome found in the mitochondrion of a eukaryotic cell; contains a characteristic set of proteins distinct from those of cytosolic ribosomes.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain Z   (RM30_HUMAN | Q8TCC3)
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain a   (RM42_HUMAN | Q9Y6G3)
molecular function
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005763    mitochondrial small ribosomal subunit    The smaller of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005886    plasma membrane    The membrane surrounding a cell that separates the cell from its external environment. It consists of a phospholipid bilayer and associated proteins.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain b   (RM43_HUMAN | Q8N983)
molecular function
    GO:0005515    protein binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005761    mitochondrial ribosome    A ribosome found in the mitochondrion of a eukaryotic cell; contains a characteristic set of proteins distinct from those of cytosolic ribosomes.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain c   (RM44_HUMAN | Q9H9J2)
molecular function
    GO:0003723    RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof.
    GO:0003725    double-stranded RNA binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with double-stranded RNA.
    GO:0004519    endonuclease activity    Catalysis of the hydrolysis of ester linkages within nucleic acids by creating internal breaks.
    GO:0016787    hydrolase activity    Catalysis of the hydrolysis of various bonds, e.g. C-O, C-N, C-C, phosphoric anhydride bonds, etc. Hydrolase is the systematic name for any enzyme of EC class 3.
    GO:0004518    nuclease activity    Catalysis of the hydrolysis of ester linkages within nucleic acids.
    GO:0005515    protein binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
    GO:0004525    ribonuclease III activity    Catalysis of the endonucleolytic cleavage of RNA with 5'-phosphomonoesters and 3'-OH termini; makes two staggered cuts in both strands of dsRNA, leaving a 3' overhang of 2 nt.
biological process
    GO:0090502    RNA phosphodiester bond hydrolysis, endonucleolytic    The chemical reactions and pathways involving the hydrolysis of internal 3',5'-phosphodiester bonds in one or two strands of ribonucleotides.
    GO:0006396    RNA processing    Any process involved in the conversion of one or more primary RNA transcripts into one or more mature RNA molecules.
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0031054    pre-miRNA processing    Any process involved in the conversion of a pre-microRNA transcript into a mature microRNA molecule.
    GO:0031053    primary miRNA processing    Any process involved in the conversion of a primary microRNA transcript into a pre-microRNA molecule.
    GO:0030422    production of siRNA involved in RNA interference    Cleavage of double-stranded RNA to form small interfering RNA molecules (siRNAs) of 21-23 nucleotides, in the context of RNA interference.
cellular component
    GO:0005575    cellular_component    The part of a cell, extracellular environment or virus in which a gene product is located. A gene product may be located in one or more parts of a cell and its location may be as specific as a particular macromolecular complex, that is, a stable, persistent association of macromolecules that function together.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005634    nucleus    A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain d   (RM45_HUMAN | Q9BRJ2)
molecular function
    GO:0005515    protein binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain e   (RM46_HUMAN | Q9H2W6)
molecular function
    GO:0016787    hydrolase activity    Catalysis of the hydrolysis of various bonds, e.g. C-O, C-N, C-C, phosphoric anhydride bonds, etc. Hydrolase is the systematic name for any enzyme of EC class 3.
    GO:0003674    molecular_function    Elemental activities, such as catalysis or binding, describing the actions of a gene product at the molecular level. A given gene product may exhibit one or more molecular functions.
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0008150    biological_process    Any process specifically pertinent to the functioning of integrated living units: cells, tissues, organs, and organisms. A process is a collection of molecular events with a defined beginning and end.
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
cellular component
    GO:0030054    cell junction    A cellular component that forms a specialized region of connection between two or more cells or between a cell and the extracellular matrix. At a cell junction, anchoring proteins extend through the plasma membrane to link cytoskeletal proteins in one cell to cytoskeletal proteins in neighboring cells or to proteins in the extracellular matrix.
    GO:0005575    cellular_component    The part of a cell, extracellular environment or virus in which a gene product is located. A gene product may be located in one or more parts of a cell and its location may be as specific as a particular macromolecular complex, that is, a stable, persistent association of macromolecules that function together.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005654    nucleoplasm    That part of the nuclear content other than the chromosomes or the nucleolus.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain f   (RM48_HUMAN | Q96GC5)
molecular function
    GO:0005515    protein binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005761    mitochondrial ribosome    A ribosome found in the mitochondrion of a eukaryotic cell; contains a characteristic set of proteins distinct from those of cytosolic ribosomes.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain g   (RM49_HUMAN | Q13405)
molecular function
    GO:0005515    protein binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005761    mitochondrial ribosome    A ribosome found in the mitochondrion of a eukaryotic cell; contains a characteristic set of proteins distinct from those of cytosolic ribosomes.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain h   (RM50_HUMAN | Q8N5N7)
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain i   (RM51_HUMAN | Q4U2R6)
molecular function
    GO:0005515    protein binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0032543    mitochondrial translation    The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of a protein in a mitochondrion. This is a ribosome-mediated process in which the information in messenger RNA (mRNA) is used to specify the sequence of amino acids in the protein; the mitochondrion has its own ribosomes and transfer RNAs, and uses a genetic code that differs from the nuclear code.
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005761    mitochondrial ribosome    A ribosome found in the mitochondrion of a eukaryotic cell; contains a characteristic set of proteins distinct from those of cytosolic ribosomes.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain j   (RM52_HUMAN | Q86TS9)
molecular function
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain k   (RM53_HUMAN | Q96EL3)
molecular function
    GO:0005515    protein binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain o   (RT63_HUMAN | Q9BQC6)
molecular function
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0032543    mitochondrial translation    The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of a protein in a mitochondrion. This is a ribosome-mediated process in which the information in messenger RNA (mRNA) is used to specify the sequence of amino acids in the protein; the mitochondrion has its own ribosomes and transfer RNAs, and uses a genetic code that differs from the nuclear code.
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005761    mitochondrial ribosome    A ribosome found in the mitochondrion of a eukaryotic cell; contains a characteristic set of proteins distinct from those of cytosolic ribosomes.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain p   (ICT1_HUMAN | Q14197)
molecular function
    GO:0004045    aminoacyl-tRNA hydrolase activity    Catalysis of the reaction: N-substituted aminoacyl-tRNA + H2O = N-substituted amino acid + tRNA.
    GO:0016787    hydrolase activity    Catalysis of the hydrolysis of various bonds, e.g. C-O, C-N, C-C, phosphoric anhydride bonds, etc. Hydrolase is the systematic name for any enzyme of EC class 3.
    GO:0043022    ribosome binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any part of a ribosome.
    GO:0003747    translation release factor activity    Involved in catalyzing the release of a nascent polypeptide chain from a ribosome.
    GO:0016150    translation release factor activity, codon nonspecific    A translation release factor that is not specific to particular codons; binds to guanine nucleotides.
    GO:0016149    translation release factor activity, codon specific    A translation release factor that is specific for one or more particular termination codons; acts at the ribosomal A-site and require polypeptidyl-tRNA at the P-site.
biological process
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0072344    rescue of stalled ribosome    A process of translational elongation that takes place when a ribosome has stalled during translation, and results in freeing the ribosome from the stalled translation complex.
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
    GO:0006415    translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome, usually in response to a termination codon (UAA, UAG, or UGA in the universal genetic code).
cellular component
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005762    mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit    The larger of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation: the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site).
    GO:0005759    mitochondrial matrix    The gel-like material, with considerable fine structure, that lies in the matrix space, or lumen, of a mitochondrion. It contains the enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and, in some organisms, the enzymes concerned with fatty acid oxidation.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.

Chain q   (G45IP_HUMAN | Q8TAE8)
molecular function
    GO:0005515    protein binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules).
biological process
    GO:0007049    cell cycle    The progression of biochemical and morphological phases and events that occur in a cell during successive cell replication or nuclear replication events. Canonically, the cell cycle comprises the replication and segregation of genetic material followed by the division of the cell, but in endocycles or syncytial cells nuclear replication or nuclear division may not be followed by cell division.
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0071850    mitotic cell cycle arrest    The process in which the mitotic cell cycle is halted during one of the normal phases (G1, S, G2, M).
    GO:0008284    positive regulation of cell proliferation    Any process that activates or increases the rate or extent of cell proliferation.
    GO:1903862    positive regulation of oxidative phosphorylation    Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of oxidative phosphorylation.
    GO:0016032    viral process    A multi-organism process in which a virus is a participant. The other participant is the host. Includes infection of a host cell, replication of the viral genome, and assembly of progeny virus particles. In some cases the viral genetic material may integrate into the host genome and only subsequently, under particular circumstances, 'complete' its life cycle.
cellular component
    GO:0005759    mitochondrial matrix    The gel-like material, with considerable fine structure, that lies in the matrix space, or lumen, of a mitochondrion. It contains the enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and, in some organisms, the enzymes concerned with fatty acid oxidation.
    GO:0005761    mitochondrial ribosome    A ribosome found in the mitochondrion of a eukaryotic cell; contains a characteristic set of proteins distinct from those of cytosolic ribosomes.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005634    nucleus    A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent.

Chain r   (RT18A_HUMAN | Q9NVS2)
molecular function
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0032543    mitochondrial translation    The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of a protein in a mitochondrion. This is a ribosome-mediated process in which the information in messenger RNA (mRNA) is used to specify the sequence of amino acids in the protein; the mitochondrion has its own ribosomes and transfer RNAs, and uses a genetic code that differs from the nuclear code.
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0022627    cytosolic small ribosomal subunit    The small subunit of a ribosome located in the cytosol.
    GO:0005622    intracellular    The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005763    mitochondrial small ribosomal subunit    The smaller of the two subunits of a mitochondrial ribosome.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.

Chain s   (RT30_HUMAN | Q9NP92)
molecular function
    GO:0003735    structural constituent of ribosome    The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome.
biological process
    GO:0006915    apoptotic process    A programmed cell death process which begins when a cell receives an internal (e.g. DNA damage) or external signal (e.g. an extracellular death ligand), and proceeds through a series of biochemical events (signaling pathway phase) which trigger an execution phase. The execution phase is the last step of an apoptotic process, and is typically characterized by rounding-up of the cell, retraction of pseudopodes, reduction of cellular volume (pyknosis), chromatin condensation, nuclear fragmentation (karyorrhexis), plasma membrane blebbing and fragmentation of the cell into apoptotic bodies. When the execution phase is completed, the cell has died.
    GO:0070125    mitochondrial translational elongation    The successive addition of amino acid residues to a nascent polypeptide chain during protein biosynthesis in a mitochondrion.
    GO:0070126    mitochondrial translational termination    The process resulting in the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome in a mitochondrion, usually in response to a termination codon (note that mitochondria use variants of the universal genetic code that differ between different taxa).
    GO:0006412    translation    The cellular metabolic process in which a protein is formed, using the sequence of a mature mRNA or circRNA molecule to specify the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. Translation is mediated by the ribosome, and begins with the formation of a ternary complex between aminoacylated initiator methionine tRNA, GTP, and initiation factor 2, which subsequently associates with the small subunit of the ribosome and an mRNA or circRNA. Translation ends with the release of a polypeptide chain from the ribosome.
cellular component
    GO:0030529    intracellular ribonucleoprotein complex    An intracellular macromolecular complex containing both protein and RNA molecules.
    GO:0005743    mitochondrial inner membrane    The inner, i.e. lumen-facing, lipid bilayer of the mitochondrial envelope. It is highly folded to form cristae.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0005840    ribosome    An intracellular organelle, about 200 A in diameter, consisting of RNA and protein. It is the site of protein biosynthesis resulting from translation of messenger RNA (mRNA). It consists of two subunits, one large and one small, each containing only protein and RNA. Both the ribosome and its subunits are characterized by their sedimentation coefficients, expressed in Svedberg units (symbol: S). Hence, the prokaryotic ribosome (70S) comprises a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit, while the eukaryotic ribosome (80S) comprises a large (60S) subunit and a small (40S) subunit. Two sites on the ribosomal large subunit are involved in translation, namely the aminoacyl site (A site) and peptidyl site (P site). Ribosomes from prokaryotes, eukaryotes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts have characteristically distinct ribosomal proteins.


(-) Interactive Views

Asymmetric/Biological Unit
  Complete Structure
    Jena3D(integrated viewing of ligand, site, SAP, PROSITE, SCOP information)
    WebMol | AstexViewer[tm]@PDBe
(Java Applets, require no local installation except for Java; loading may be slow)
(Java WebStart application, automatic local installation, requires Java; full application with system access!)
(require local installation)
    Molscript (VRML)
(requires installation of a VRML viewer; select preferred view via VRML and generate a mono or stereo PDF format file)
  Ligands, Modified Residues, Ions
    A  [ RasMol | Jena3D ]  +environment [ RasMol | Jena3D ]
    MG  [ RasMol | Jena3D ]  +environment [ RasMol | Jena3D ]
    UNK  [ RasMol | Jena3D ]  +environment [ RasMol | Jena3D ]
    ZN  [ RasMol | Jena3D ]  +environment [ RasMol | Jena3D ]
    AC1  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    AC2  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    AC3  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    AC4  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    AC5  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    AC6  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    AC7  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    AC8  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    AC9  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    BC1  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    BC2  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    BC3  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    BC4  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    BC5  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    BC6  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    BC7  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    BC8  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    BC9  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    CC1  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    CC2  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    CC3  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    CC4  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    CC5  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    CC6  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    CC7  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    CC8  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    CC9  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    DC1  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    DC2  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    DC3  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    DC4  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    DC5  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    DC6  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    DC7  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    DC8  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    DC9  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    EC1  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    EC2  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    EC3  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    EC4  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    EC5  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    EC6  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    EC7  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    EC8  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    EC9  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    FC1  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    FC2  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    FC3  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    FC4  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    FC5  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    FC6  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    FC7  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    FC8  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    FC9  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    GC1  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    GC2  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    GC3  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    GC4  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    GC5  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    GC6  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    GC7  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    GC8  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    GC9  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    HC1  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    HC2  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    HC3  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
  Cis Peptide Bonds
    Arg 6:72 - Thr 6:73   [ RasMol ]  
    Arg k:77 - Gly k:78   [ RasMol ]  
    Asp 6:182 - Asp 6:183   [ RasMol ]  
    Asp 6:371 - Ser 6:372   [ RasMol ]  
    Asp d:129 - Ala d:130   [ RasMol ]  
    Asp g:77 - Pro g:78   [ RasMol ]  
    Glu 5:115 - Gly 5:116   [ RasMol ]  
    Glu 5:216 - Ser 5:217   [ RasMol ]  
    Gly E:323 - Asp E:324   [ RasMol ]  
    Gly L:112 - Asn L:113   [ RasMol ]  
    Gly V:141 - Glu V:142   [ RasMol ]  
    His E:231 - Gly E:232   [ RasMol ]  
    Lys R:136 - Glu R:137   [ RasMol ]  
    Lys S:146 - Pro S:147   [ RasMol ]  
    Phe P:71 - Pro P:72   [ RasMol ]  
    Phe c:184 - Pro c:185   [ RasMol ]  
    Pro 5:261 - Ile 5:262   [ RasMol ]  
    Pro 5:53 - Gly 5:54   [ RasMol ]  
    Pro 7:75 - Gly 7:76   [ RasMol ]  
    Pro d:267 - Pro d:268   [ RasMol ]  
    Pro h:63 - Glu h:64   [ RasMol ]  
    Thr J:104 - Gly J:105   [ RasMol ]  
    Tyr 5:257 - Pro 5:258   [ RasMol ]  
    Tyr g:66 - Pro g:67   [ RasMol ]  
    Unk t:20 - Unk t:21   [ RasMol ]  

(-) Still Images

  protein: cartoon or spacefill or dots and stick; nucleic acid: cartoon and stick; ligands: spacefill; active site: stick
  protein, nucleic acid: cartoon; ligands: spacefill; active site: ball and stick

 Databases and Analysis Tools

(-) Databases

Access by PDB/NDB ID
    Family and Domain InformationProDom | SYSTERS
    General Structural InformationGlycoscienceDB | MMDB | NDB | OCA | PDB | PDBe | PDBj | PDBsum | PDBWiki | PQS | PROTEOPEDIA
    Orientation in MembranesOPM
    Protein SurfaceSURFACE
    Secondary StructureDSSP (structure derived) | HSSP (homology derived)
    Structural GenomicsGeneCensus
    Structural NeighboursCE | VAST
    Structure ClassificationCATH | Dali | SCOP
    Validation and Original DataBMRB Data View | BMRB Restraints Grid | EDS | PROCHECK | RECOORD | WHAT_CHECK
Access by UniProt ID/Accession number
  A8K7J6_HUMAN | A8K7J6
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  A8K9D2_HUMAN | A8K9D2
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  ICT1_HUMAN | Q14197
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM02_HUMAN | Q5T653
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM03_HUMAN | P09001
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM10_HUMAN | Q7Z7H8
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM11_HUMAN | Q9Y3B7
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM14_HUMAN | Q6P1L8
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM15_HUMAN | Q9P015
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM16_HUMAN | Q9NX20
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM18_HUMAN | Q9H0U6
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM19_HUMAN | P49406
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM21_HUMAN | Q7Z2W9
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM23_HUMAN | Q16540
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM24_HUMAN | Q96A35
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM27_HUMAN | Q9P0M9
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM28_HUMAN | Q13084
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM33_HUMAN | O75394
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM34_HUMAN | Q9BQ48
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM36_HUMAN | Q9P0J6
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM38_HUMAN | Q96DV4
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM40_HUMAN | Q9NQ50
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM42_HUMAN | Q9Y6G3
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM43_HUMAN | Q8N983
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM44_HUMAN | Q9H9J2
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM46_HUMAN | Q9H2W6
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM47_HUMAN | Q9HD33
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM48_HUMAN | Q96GC5
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM49_HUMAN | Q13405
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM50_HUMAN | Q8N5N7
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM51_HUMAN | Q4U2R6
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM52_HUMAN | Q86TS9
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RM53_HUMAN | Q96EL3
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  RT30_HUMAN | Q9NP92
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
Access by Enzyme Classificator   (EC Number)
  (no 'Enzyme Classificator' available)
    General Enzyme InformationBRENDA | EC-PDB | Enzyme | IntEnz
    PathwayKEGG | MetaCyc
Access by Disease Identifier   (MIM ID)
    Disease InformationOMIM
    Disease InformationOMIM
Access by GenAge ID
  (no 'GenAge ID' available)
    Age Related InformationGenAge

(-) Analysis Tools

Access by PDB/NDB ID
    Domain InformationXDom
    Interatomic Contacts of Structural UnitsCSU
    Ligand-protein ContactsLPC
    Protein CavitiescastP
    Sequence and Secondary StructurePDBCartoon
    Structure AlignmentSTRAP(Java WebStart application, automatic local installation, requires Java; full application with system access!)
    Structure and Sequence BrowserSTING
Access by UniProt ID/Accession number
  A8K7J6_HUMAN | A8K7J6
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  A8K9D2_HUMAN | A8K9D2
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  ICT1_HUMAN | Q14197
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM02_HUMAN | Q5T653
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM03_HUMAN | P09001
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM10_HUMAN | Q7Z7H8
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM11_HUMAN | Q9Y3B7
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM14_HUMAN | Q6P1L8
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM15_HUMAN | Q9P015
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM16_HUMAN | Q9NX20
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM18_HUMAN | Q9H0U6
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM19_HUMAN | P49406
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM21_HUMAN | Q7Z2W9
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM23_HUMAN | Q16540
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM24_HUMAN | Q96A35
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM27_HUMAN | Q9P0M9
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM28_HUMAN | Q13084
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM33_HUMAN | O75394
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM34_HUMAN | Q9BQ48
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM36_HUMAN | Q9P0J6
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM38_HUMAN | Q96DV4
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM40_HUMAN | Q9NQ50
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM42_HUMAN | Q9Y6G3
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM43_HUMAN | Q8N983
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM44_HUMAN | Q9H9J2
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM46_HUMAN | Q9H2W6
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM47_HUMAN | Q9HD33
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM48_HUMAN | Q96GC5
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM49_HUMAN | Q13405
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM50_HUMAN | Q8N5N7
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM51_HUMAN | Q4U2R6
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM52_HUMAN | Q86TS9
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RM53_HUMAN | Q96EL3
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  RT30_HUMAN | Q9NP92
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)

 Related Entries

(-) Entries Sharing at Least One Protein Chain (UniProt ID)

        G45IP_HUMAN | Q8TAE83j9m
        ICT1_HUMAN | Q141973j9m
        RM02_HUMAN | Q5T6533iy9 3j9m
        RM03_HUMAN | P090013j9m
        RM04_HUMAN | Q9BYD33iy9 3j9m
        RM09_HUMAN | Q9BYD23j9m
        RM10_HUMAN | Q7Z7H83j9m
        RM11_HUMAN | Q9Y3B73iy9 3j9m
        RM13_HUMAN | Q9BYD13j9m
        RM14_HUMAN | Q6P1L83j9m
        RM15_HUMAN | Q9P0153j9m
        RM16_HUMAN | Q9NX203iy9 3j9m
        RM17_HUMAN | Q9NRX22cqm 3iy9 3j9m
        RM19_HUMAN | P494063j9m
        RM20_HUMAN | Q9BYC93j9m
        RM21_HUMAN | Q7Z2W93j9m
        RM22_HUMAN | Q9NWU53iy9
        RM23_HUMAN | Q165403j9m
        RM24_HUMAN | Q96A353iy9 3j9m
        RM27_HUMAN | Q9P0M93iy9 3j9m
        RM30_HUMAN | Q8TCC33j9m
        RM32_HUMAN | Q9BYC83j9m
        RM33_HUMAN | O753943iy9 3j9m
        RM34_HUMAN | Q9BQ483j9m
        RM35_HUMAN | Q9NZE83j9m
        RM36_HUMAN | Q9P0J63j9m
        RM37_HUMAN | Q9BZE13j9m
        RM38_HUMAN | Q96DV43j9m
        RM39_HUMAN | Q9NYK53j9m
        RM40_HUMAN | Q9NQ503j9m
        RM41_HUMAN | Q8IXM33j9m
        RM42_HUMAN | Q9Y6G33j9m
        RM43_HUMAN | Q8N9833j9m
        RM44_HUMAN | Q9H9J23j9m
        RM45_HUMAN | Q9BRJ23j9m
        RM46_HUMAN | Q9H2W63j9m
        RM47_HUMAN | Q9HD333j9m
        RM48_HUMAN | Q96GC53j9m
        RM49_HUMAN | Q134053j9m
        RM50_HUMAN | Q8N5N73j9m
        RM51_HUMAN | Q4U2R63j9m
        RM53_HUMAN | Q96EL33j9m
        RT18A_HUMAN | Q9NVS23j9m
        RT30_HUMAN | Q9NP923j9m
        RT63_HUMAN | Q9BQC63j9m
        A8K7J6_HUMAN | A8K7J63j9m
        A8K9D2_HUMAN | A8K9D23j9m
        E7ESL0_HUMAN | E7ESL03j9m

(-) Related Entries Specified in the PDB File

(no "Related Entries Specified in the PDB File" available for 3J7Y)