Summary Information (see also Sequences/Alignments below) |
Asymmetric Unit (1, 6)
(no "Site" information available for 3BHP) |
(no "SS Bond" information available for 3BHP) |
(no "Cis Peptide Bond" information available for 3BHP) |
(no "SAP(SNP)/Variant" information available for 3BHP) |
(no "PROSITE Motif" information available for 3BHP) |
(no "Exon" information available for 3BHP) |
Asymmetric UnitChain A from PDB Type:PROTEIN Length:52 aligned with YNZC_BACSU | O31818 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Length:77 Alignment length:52 10 20 30 40 50 YNZC_BACSU 1 MISNAKIARINELAAKAKAGVITEEEKAEQQKLRQEYLKGFRSSMKNTLKSV 52 SCOP domains d3bhpa_ A: automated matches SCOP domains CATH domains -3bhpA00 A:2-52 Helix hairpin bin CATH domains Pfam domains ---------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains SAPs(SNPs) ---------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs) PROSITE ---------------------------------------------------- PROSITE Transcript ---------------------------------------------------- Transcript 3bhp A 1 mISNAKIARINELAAKAKAGVITEEEKAEQQKLRQEYLKGFRSSmKNTLKSV 52 | 10 20 30 40 | 50 | 45-MSE 1-MSE Chain B from PDB Type:PROTEIN Length:48 aligned with YNZC_BACSU | O31818 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Length:77 Alignment length:48 10 20 30 40 YNZC_BACSU 1 MISNAKIARINELAAKAKAGVITEEEKAEQQKLRQEYLKGFRSSMKNT 48 SCOP domains d3bhpb_ B: automated matches SCOP domains CATH domains -3bhpB00 B:2-48 Helix hairpin bin CATH domains Pfam domains ------------------------------------------------ Pfam domains SAPs(SNPs) ------------------------------------------------ SAPs(SNPs) PROSITE ------------------------------------------------ PROSITE Transcript ------------------------------------------------ Transcript 3bhp B 1 mISNAKIARINELAAKAKAGVITEEEKAEQQKLRQEYLKGFRSSmKNT 48 | 10 20 30 40 | 1-MSE 45-MSE Chain C from PDB Type:PROTEIN Length:54 aligned with YNZC_BACSU | O31818 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Length:77 Alignment length:68 10 20 30 40 50 60 YNZC_BACSU 1 MISNAKIARINELAAKAKAGVITEEEKAEQQKLRQEYLKGFRSSMKNTLKSVKIIDPEGNDVTPEKLK 68 SCOP domains d3bhpc_ C: automated matches SCOP domains CATH domains -3bhpC00 C:2-54 Helix hairpin bin CATH domains Pfam domains -------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains SAPs(SNPs) -------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs) PROSITE -------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE Transcript -------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript 3bhp C 1 mISNAKIARINELAAKAKAGVITEEEKAEQQKLRQEYLKGFRSSmKNTLKSV--------------LE 54 | 10 20 30 40 | 50 | - | | 45-MSE 52 53 1-MSE
Asymmetric Unit |
Asymmetric Unit |
(no "Pfam Domain" information available for 3BHP) |
Asymmetric Unit(hide GO term definitions) Chain A,B,C (YNZC_BACSU | O31818)