by PDB,NDB,UniProt,PROSITE Code or Search Term(s)  

(-) Pattern Search

Search the PDB sequences for sequence patterns in PROSITE format, using wildcards or with regular expressions.
For nucleic acid sequences a slightly modified version of the IUPAC ambiguity codes can also be used.

The PDB sequences are based on the coordinate section and not the SEQRES section of the PDB files. 100% identical sequences are grouped (non-redundant sequence set). The residue numbers in the results correspond to the first member of a group (marked in bold).

Sequence type
protein nucleic acid

   allow overlapping motifs

Output options
group results by 
PDB sequences(example output)    matched sequence motifs(example output)

(-) BLAST Search

Search the PDB sequences for sequences similar to your query sequence using BLAST.

The PDB sequences are based on the coordinate section and not the SEQRES section of the PDB files. 100% identical sequences are grouped (non-redundant sequence set). The residue numbers in the results do not correspond to the residue numbers in the PDB file. They are assigned purely sequentially.

Search type
protein/protein nucleic acid/nucleic acid nucleic acid/protein protein/nucleic acid

Query sequence (FASTA format or raw sequence)
  or select a sequence file:

Expect threshold:  

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