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by PDB,NDB,UniProt,PROSITE Code or Search Term(s)  
(-)Asymmetric Unit
(-)Asym. Unit - sites
(-)Biological Unit 1
(-)Biol. Unit 1 - sites
collapse expand < >
Image Asymmetric Unit
Asymmetric Unit  (Jmol Viewer)
Image Asym. Unit - sites
Asym. Unit - sites  (Jmol Viewer)
Image Biological Unit 1
Biological Unit 1  (Jmol Viewer)
Image Biol. Unit 1 - sites
Biol. Unit 1 - sites  (Jmol Viewer)

(-) Description

Authors :  A. C. Kruse, L. K. Ely, E. W. Newell, M. M. Davis, K. C. Garcia
Date :  27 Jan 11  (Deposition) - 27 Apr 11  (Release) - 10 Aug 11  (Revision)
Resolution :  3.30
Chains :  Asym. Unit :  A,B,C,D,E
Biol. Unit 1:  A (1x),B (1x),C (1x),D (1x),E (1x)
Keywords :  Immunoglobulin Domain, T Cell Receptor, Mhc Molecule, Immune System (Keyword Search: [Gene Ontology, PubMed, Web (Google))
Reference :  E. W. Newell, L. K. Ely, A. C. Kruse, P. A. Reay, S. N. Rodriguez, A. E. Lin M. S. Kuhns, K. C. Garcia, M. M. Davis
Structural Basis Of Specificity And Cross-Reactivity In T Cell Receptors Specific For Cytochrome C-I-E(K).
J. Immunol. V. 186 5823 2011
PubMed-ID: 21490152  |  Reference-DOI: 10.4049/JIMMUNOL.1100197

(-) Compounds

    Expression SystemTRICHOPLUSIA NI
    Expression System CommonCABBAGE LOOPER
    Expression System Taxid7111
    FragmentUNP RESIDUES 26-217
    Organism CommonMOUSE
    Organism ScientificMUS MUSCULUS
    Organism Taxid10090
    Expression SystemTRICHOPLUSIA NI
    Expression System CommonCABBAGE LOOPER
    Expression System Taxid7111
    FragmentUNP RESIDUES 29-224
    Organism CommonMOUSE
    Organism ScientificMUS MUSCULUS
    Organism Taxid10090
Molecule 3 - TCR 226 ALPHA CHAIN
    Expression SystemESCHERICHIA COLI
    Expression System Taxid562
    FragmentUNP RESIDUES 97-108
    Organism ScientificMANDUCA SEXTA
    Organism Taxid7130
Molecule 4 - TCR 226 BETA CHAIN
    Expression SystemESCHERICHIA COLI
    Expression System Taxid562
    Organism CommonMOUSE
    Organism ScientificMUS MUSCULUS
    Organism Taxid10090
Molecule 5 - MCC-P5E PEPTIDE
    Expression SystemESCHERICHIA COLI
    Expression System Taxid562
    Organism CommonMOUSE
    Organism ScientificMUS MUSCULUS
    Organism Taxid10090

 Structural Features

(-) Chains, Units

Asymmetric Unit ABCDE
Biological Unit 1 (1x)A (1x)B (1x)C (1x)D (1x)E (1x)

Summary Information (see also Sequences/Alignments below)

(-) Ligands, Modified Residues, Ions  (1, 2)

Asymmetric Unit (1, 2)
No.NameCountTypeFull Name
Biological Unit 1 (0, 0)
No.NameCountTypeFull Name

(-) Sites  (2, 2)

Asymmetric Unit (2, 2)

(-) SS Bonds  (9, 9)

Asymmetric Unit
1A:107 -A:163
2B:15 -B:79
3B:117 -B:173
4C:22 -C:86
5C:131 -C:181
6C:156 -D:171
7D:23 -D:92
8D:69 -D:75
9D:145 -D:210

(-) Cis Peptide Bonds  (6, 6)

Asymmetric Unit
1Leu A:15 -Pro A:16
2Ser A:113 -Pro A:114
3Tyr B:123 -Pro B:124
4Ser C:6 -Pro C:7
5Thr D:7 -Pro D:8
6Tyr D:151 -Pro D:152

 Sequence-Structure Mapping

(-) SAPs(SNPs)/Variants  (0, 0)

(no "SAP(SNP)/Variant" information available for 3QIW)

(-) PROSITE Motifs  (1, 2)

Asymmetric Unit (1, 2)
1IG_MHCPS00290 Immunoglobulins and major histocompatibility complex proteins signature.HA22_MOUSE186-192  1A:161-167
HB21_MOUSE198-204  1B:171-177
Biological Unit 1 (1, 2)
1IG_MHCPS00290 Immunoglobulins and major histocompatibility complex proteins signature.HA22_MOUSE186-192  1A:161-167
HB21_MOUSE198-204  1B:171-177

(-) Exons   (0, 0)

(no "Exon" information available for 3QIW)

(-) Sequences/Alignments

Asymmetric Unit
   Reformat: Number of residues per line =  ('0' or empty: single-line sequence representation)
  Number of residues per labelling interval =   
  UniProt sequence: complete  aligned part    
   Show mapping: SCOP domains CATH domains Pfam domains Secondary structure (by author)
SAPs(SNPs) PROSITE motifs Exons
(details for a mapped element are shown in a popup box when the mouse pointer rests over it)
Chain A from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:179
 aligned with HA22_MOUSE | P04224 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:255

    Alignment length:179
                                    37        47        57        67        77        87        97       107       117       127       137       147       157       167       177       187       197         
               SCOP domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains -MHC_II_alpha-3qiwA02 A:4-84                                                      --------C1-set-3qiwA01 A:93-175                                                            ------ Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IG_MHC -------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    12        22        32        42        52        62        72        82        92       102       112       122       132       142       152       162       172         

Chain B from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:165
 aligned with HB21_MOUSE | P04230 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:264

    Alignment length:184
                                    39        49        59        69        79        89        99       109       119       129       139       149       159       169       179       189       199       209    
               SCOP domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ----------MHC_II_beta-3qiwB02 B:13-87                                                ---------------C1         -set-3qiwB01 B:103-   185                                               - Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IG_MHC --------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    12        22        32        42        52        62        72        82        92       102 |       - |     122       132   |   142       152       162|      172       182    
                                                                                                                               104       114               132 136                        163     171               

Chain B from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:165
 aligned with Q31163_MOUSE | Q31163 from UniProtKB/TrEMBL  Length:263

    Alignment length:184
                                    38        48        58        68        78        88        98       108       118       128       138       148       158       168       178       188       198       208    
               SCOP domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ----------MHC_II_beta-3qiwB02 B:13-87                                                ---------------C1         -set-3qiwB01 B:103-   185                                               - Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    12        22        32        42        52        62        72        82        92       102 |       - |     122       132   |   142       152       162|      172       182    
                                                                                                                               104       114               132 136                        163     171               

Chain C from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:178
               SCOP domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    11        21        31        41        51        61        71        81        91       101       111       121       131       141  ||   153       163       173||      
                                                                                                                                                                        144|                        174|      
                                                                                                                                                                         147                         180      

Chain D from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:238
               SCOP domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transcript
                                    11        21        31        41        51        61        71        81        91       101       111       121       131       141       151       161       171       181||     193       203       213    || 225       235        
                                                                                                                                                                                                              182|                              218|                      
                                                                                                                                                                                                               185                               221                      

Chain E from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:13
 aligned with CYC_MANSE | P00039 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:108

    Alignment length:13
                                   106 | 
            CYC_MANSE    97 ADLIAYLKQATK-   -
               SCOP domains ------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains ------------- CATH domains
               Pfam domains Cytochrom_C-- Pfam domains
         Sec.struct. author .ee.......... Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) ------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------- PROSITE
                 Transcript ------------- Transcript
                 3qiw E   2 ADLIAYLEQATKG  14

   Legend:   → Mismatch (orange background)
  - → Gap (green background, '-', border residues have a numbering label)
    → Modified Residue (blue background, lower-case, 'x' indicates undefined single-letter code, labelled with number + name)
  x → Chemical Group (purple background, 'x', labelled with number + name, e.g. ACE or NH2)
  extra numbering lines below/above indicate numbering irregularities and modified residue names etc., number ends below/above '|'

 Classification and Annotation

(-) SCOP Domains  (0, 0)

(no "SCOP Domain" information available for 3QIW)

(-) CATH Domains  (0, 0)

(no "CATH Domain" information available for 3QIW)

(-) Pfam Domains  (4, 5)

Asymmetric Unit
Clan: Ig (577)
Family: C1-set (338)
Clan: MHC (252)

(-) Gene Ontology  (19, 33)

Asymmetric Unit(hide GO term definitions)
Chain A   (HA22_MOUSE | P04224)
biological process
    GO:0019882    antigen processing and presentation    The process in which an antigen-presenting cell expresses antigen (peptide or lipid) on its cell surface in association with an MHC protein complex.
    GO:0002504    antigen processing and presentation of peptide or polysaccharide antigen via MHC class II    The process in which an antigen-presenting cell expresses antigen (peptide or polysaccharide) on its cell surface in association with an MHC class II protein complex.
    GO:0006955    immune response    Any immune system process that functions in the calibrated response of an organism to a potential internal or invasive threat.
    GO:0002376    immune system process    Any process involved in the development or functioning of the immune system, an organismal system for calibrated responses to potential internal or invasive threats.
cellular component
    GO:0042613    MHC class II protein complex    A transmembrane protein complex composed of an MHC class II alpha and MHC class II beta chain, and with or without a bound peptide or polysaccharide antigen.
    GO:0016021    integral component of membrane    The component of a membrane consisting of the gene products and protein complexes having at least some part of their peptide sequence embedded in the hydrophobic region of the membrane.
    GO:0016020    membrane    A lipid bilayer along with all the proteins and protein complexes embedded in it an attached to it.

Chain B   (Q31163_MOUSE | Q31163)
biological process
    GO:0019882    antigen processing and presentation    The process in which an antigen-presenting cell expresses antigen (peptide or lipid) on its cell surface in association with an MHC protein complex.
    GO:0002504    antigen processing and presentation of peptide or polysaccharide antigen via MHC class II    The process in which an antigen-presenting cell expresses antigen (peptide or polysaccharide) on its cell surface in association with an MHC class II protein complex.
    GO:0006955    immune response    Any immune system process that functions in the calibrated response of an organism to a potential internal or invasive threat.
    GO:0002376    immune system process    Any process involved in the development or functioning of the immune system, an organismal system for calibrated responses to potential internal or invasive threats.
cellular component
    GO:0042613    MHC class II protein complex    A transmembrane protein complex composed of an MHC class II alpha and MHC class II beta chain, and with or without a bound peptide or polysaccharide antigen.
    GO:0016021    integral component of membrane    The component of a membrane consisting of the gene products and protein complexes having at least some part of their peptide sequence embedded in the hydrophobic region of the membrane.
    GO:0016020    membrane    A lipid bilayer along with all the proteins and protein complexes embedded in it an attached to it.

Chain B   (HB21_MOUSE | P04230)
biological process
    GO:0019882    antigen processing and presentation    The process in which an antigen-presenting cell expresses antigen (peptide or lipid) on its cell surface in association with an MHC protein complex.
    GO:0019886    antigen processing and presentation of exogenous peptide antigen via MHC class II    The process in which an antigen-presenting cell expresses a peptide antigen of exogenous origin on its cell surface in association with an MHC class II protein complex. The peptide antigen is typically, but not always, processed from a whole protein.
    GO:0002504    antigen processing and presentation of peptide or polysaccharide antigen via MHC class II    The process in which an antigen-presenting cell expresses antigen (peptide or polysaccharide) on its cell surface in association with an MHC class II protein complex.
    GO:0006955    immune response    Any immune system process that functions in the calibrated response of an organism to a potential internal or invasive threat.
    GO:0002376    immune system process    Any process involved in the development or functioning of the immune system, an organismal system for calibrated responses to potential internal or invasive threats.
cellular component
    GO:0042613    MHC class II protein complex    A transmembrane protein complex composed of an MHC class II alpha and MHC class II beta chain, and with or without a bound peptide or polysaccharide antigen.
    GO:0070062    extracellular exosome    A vesicle that is released into the extracellular region by fusion of the limiting endosomal membrane of a multivesicular body with the plasma membrane. Extracellular exosomes, also simply called exosomes, have a diameter of about 40-100 nm.
    GO:0005615    extracellular space    That part of a multicellular organism outside the cells proper, usually taken to be outside the plasma membranes, and occupied by fluid.
    GO:0016021    integral component of membrane    The component of a membrane consisting of the gene products and protein complexes having at least some part of their peptide sequence embedded in the hydrophobic region of the membrane.
    GO:0031902    late endosome membrane    The lipid bilayer surrounding a late endosome.
    GO:0005765    lysosomal membrane    The lipid bilayer surrounding the lysosome and separating its contents from the cell cytoplasm.
    GO:0016020    membrane    A lipid bilayer along with all the proteins and protein complexes embedded in it an attached to it.

Chain E   (CYC_MANSE | P00039)
molecular function
    GO:0009055    electron carrier activity    Any molecular entity that serves as an electron acceptor and electron donor in an electron transport chain. An electron transport chain is a process in which a series of electron carriers operate together to transfer electrons from donors to any of several different terminal electron acceptors to generate a transmembrane electrochemical gradient.
    GO:0020037    heme binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with heme, any compound of iron complexed in a porphyrin (tetrapyrrole) ring.
    GO:0046872    metal ion binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any metal ion.
biological process
    GO:0055114    oxidation-reduction process    A metabolic process that results in the removal or addition of one or more electrons to or from a substance, with or without the concomitant removal or addition of a proton or protons.
cellular component
    GO:0005758    mitochondrial intermembrane space    The region between the inner and outer lipid bilayers of the mitochondrial envelope.
    GO:0005739    mitochondrion    A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration.
    GO:0070469    respiratory chain    The protein complexes that form the electron transport system (the respiratory chain), associated with a cell membrane, usually the plasma membrane (in prokaryotes) or the inner mitochondrial membrane (on eukaryotes). The respiratory chain complexes transfer electrons from an electron donor to an electron acceptor and are associated with a proton pump to create a transmembrane electrochemical gradient.


(-) Interactive Views

Asymmetric Unit
  Complete Structure
    Jena3D(integrated viewing of ligand, site, SAP, PROSITE, SCOP information)
    WebMol | AstexViewer[tm]@PDBe
(Java Applets, require no local installation except for Java; loading may be slow)
(Java WebStart application, automatic local installation, requires Java; full application with system access!)
(require local installation)
    Molscript (VRML)
(requires installation of a VRML viewer; select preferred view via VRML and generate a mono or stereo PDF format file)
  Ligands, Modified Residues, Ions
    NAG  [ RasMol | Jena3D ]  +environment [ RasMol | Jena3D ]
    AC1  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
    AC2  [ RasMol ]  +environment [ RasMol ]
  Cis Peptide Bonds
    Leu A:15 - Pro A:16   [ RasMol ]  
    Ser A:113 - Pro A:114   [ RasMol ]  
    Ser C:6 - Pro C:7   [ RasMol ]  
    Thr D:7 - Pro D:8   [ RasMol ]  
    Tyr B:123 - Pro B:124   [ RasMol ]  
    Tyr D:151 - Pro D:152   [ RasMol ]  
Biological Unit
  Complete Structure
    Biological Unit 1  [ Jena3D ]

(-) Still Images

  protein: cartoon or spacefill or dots and stick; nucleic acid: cartoon and stick; ligands: spacefill; active site: stick
  protein, nucleic acid: cartoon; ligands: spacefill; active site: ball and stick

 Databases and Analysis Tools

(-) Databases

Access by PDB/NDB ID
    Family and Domain InformationProDom | SYSTERS
    General Structural InformationGlycoscienceDB | MMDB | NDB | OCA | PDB | PDBe | PDBj | PDBsum | PDBWiki | PQS | PROTEOPEDIA
    Orientation in MembranesOPM
    Protein SurfaceSURFACE
    Secondary StructureDSSP (structure derived) | HSSP (homology derived)
    Structural GenomicsGeneCensus
    Structural NeighboursCE | VAST
    Structure ClassificationCATH | Dali | SCOP
    Validation and Original DataBMRB Data View | BMRB Restraints Grid | EDS | PROCHECK | RECOORD | WHAT_CHECK
Access by UniProt ID/Accession number
  CYC_MANSE | P00039
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  HA22_MOUSE | P04224
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  HB21_MOUSE | P04230
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
  Q31163_MOUSE | Q31163
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
Access by Enzyme Classificator   (EC Number)
  (no 'Enzyme Classificator' available)
    General Enzyme InformationBRENDA | EC-PDB | Enzyme | IntEnz
    PathwayKEGG | MetaCyc
Access by Disease Identifier   (MIM ID)
  (no 'MIM ID' available)
    Disease InformationOMIM
Access by GenAge ID
  (no 'GenAge ID' available)
    Age Related InformationGenAge

(-) Analysis Tools

Access by PDB/NDB ID
    Domain InformationXDom
    Interatomic Contacts of Structural UnitsCSU
    Ligand-protein ContactsLPC
    Protein CavitiescastP
    Sequence and Secondary StructurePDBCartoon
    Structure AlignmentSTRAP(Java WebStart application, automatic local installation, requires Java; full application with system access!)
    Structure and Sequence BrowserSTING
Access by UniProt ID/Accession number
  CYC_MANSE | P00039
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  HA22_MOUSE | P04224
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  HB21_MOUSE | P04230
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)
  Q31163_MOUSE | Q31163
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)

 Related Entries

(-) Entries Sharing at Least One Protein Chain (UniProt ID)

        CYC_MANSE | P000393qib 3qiu
        HA22_MOUSE | P042241fne 1fng 1i3r 1r5v 1r5w 3qib 3qiu 4p2o 4p2q 4p2r
        HB21_MOUSE | P042301kt2 3qib 3qiu
        Q31163_MOUSE | Q311631ktd 3qib 3qiu
        Q31163_MOUSE | Q311631iea 4p2o 4p2q 4p2r

(-) Related Entries Specified in the PDB File

(no "Related Entries Specified in the PDB File" available for 3QIW)