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NMR Structure - all models  (Jmol Viewer)

(-) Description

Authors :  H. Li, M. Sato, S. Koshiba, S. Watanabe, T. Harada, T. Kigawa, S. Yokoyama, Riken Structural Genomics/Proteomics Initiative (Rsgi)
Date :  03 Apr 07  (Deposition) - 09 Oct 07  (Release) - 24 Feb 09  (Revision)
Resolution :  NOT APPLICABLE
Chains :  NMR Structure  :  A  (20x)
Keywords :  Ph Domain, Unc-112-Related Protein 2, Kindlin-3, Structural Genomics, Nppsfa, National Project On Protein Structural And Functional Analyses, Riken Structural Genomics/Proteomics Initiative, Rsgi, Signaling Protein (Keyword Search: [Gene Ontology, PubMed, Web (Google))
Reference :  H. Li, M. Sato, S. Koshiba, S. Watanabe, T. Harada, T. Kigawa, S. Yokoyama
Solution Structure Of The Ph Domain Of Kindlin-3 From Human
To Be Published
PubMed: search
(for further references see the PDB file header)

(-) Compounds

Molecule 1 - UNC-112-RELATED PROTEIN 2
    Expression System PlasmidP060904-05
    Expression System Vector TypePLASMID
    FragmentPH DOMAIN, UNP RESIDUES 349-478
    Organism CommonHUMAN
    Organism ScientificHOMO SAPIENS
    Organism Taxid9606
    SynonymKINDLIN-3, MIG2-LIKE

 Structural Features

(-) Chains, Units

NMR Structure (20x)

Summary Information (see also Sequences/Alignments below)

(-) Ligands, Modified Residues, Ions  (0, 0)

(no "Ligand,Modified Residues,Ions" information available for 2YS3)

(-) Sites  (0, 0)

(no "Site" information available for 2YS3)

(-) SS Bonds  (0, 0)

(no "SS Bond" information available for 2YS3)

(-) Cis Peptide Bonds  (1, 20)

NMR Structure
11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20Ala A:49 -Pro A:50

 Sequence-Structure Mapping

(-) SAPs(SNPs)/Variants  (0, 0)

(no "SAP(SNP)/Variant" information available for 2YS3)

(-) PROSITE Motifs  (1, 1)

NMR Structure (1, 1)
1PH_DOMAINPS50003 PH domain profile.URP2_HUMAN354-457  1A:13-112

(-) Exons   (5, 5)

NMR Structure (5, 5)
No.Transcript IDExonExon IDGenome LocationLengthIDLocationLengthCountLocationLength

(-) Sequences/Alignments

NMR Structure
   Reformat: Number of residues per line =  ('0' or empty: single-line sequence representation)
  Number of residues per labelling interval =   
  UniProt sequence: complete  aligned part    
   Show mapping: SCOP domains CATH domains Pfam domains Secondary structure (by author)
SAPs(SNPs) PROSITE motifs Exons
(details for a mapped element are shown in a popup box when the mouse pointer rests over it)
Chain A from PDB  Type:PROTEIN  Length:137
 aligned with URP2_HUMAN | Q86UX7 from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot  Length:667

    Alignment length:147
                                   345       355       365       375       385       395       405       415       425       435       445       455       465       475       
               SCOP domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOP domains
               CATH domains --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATH domains
           Pfam domains (1) ----------------------PH-----2ys3A01 A:17-112                                                                             ------------------------- Pfam domains (1)
           Pfam domains (2) -------------FERM_M-2ys3----A02 A:8-133                                                                                                        ---- Pfam domains (2)
         Sec.struct. author Sec.struct. author
                 SAPs(SNPs) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPs(SNPs)
                    PROSITE ------------------PH_DOMAIN  PDB: A:13-112 UniProt: 354-457                                                               ------------------------- PROSITE
           Transcript 1 (1) Exon 1.8----------------Exon 1.10a  PDB: A:19-61 UniProt: 360-406      -----------------------------------Exon 1.12  PDB: A:97-137 UniProt: 442-519 Transcript 1 (1)
           Transcript 1 (2) --------Exon 1.9         ---------------------------------------------Exon 1.11  PDB: A:61-96             ----------------------------------------- Transcript 1 (2)
                                |    - |      14   |    20        30        40        50        60        70        80        90       100       110       120       130       
                                5      6          18   19                                                                                                                      

   Legend:   → Mismatch (orange background)
  - → Gap (green background, '-', border residues have a numbering label)
    → Modified Residue (blue background, lower-case, 'x' indicates undefined single-letter code, labelled with number + name)
  x → Chemical Group (purple background, 'x', labelled with number + name, e.g. ACE or NH2)
  extra numbering lines below/above indicate numbering irregularities and modified residue names etc., number ends below/above '|'

 Classification and Annotation

(-) SCOP Domains  (0, 0)

(no "SCOP Domain" information available for 2YS3)

(-) CATH Domains  (0, 0)

(no "CATH Domain" information available for 2YS3)

(-) Pfam Domains  (2, 2)

NMR Structure
Clan: PH (111)
Family: PH (71)

(-) Gene Ontology  (14, 14)

NMR Structure(hide GO term definitions)
Chain A   (URP2_HUMAN | Q86UX7)
molecular function
    GO:0005178    integrin binding    Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an integrin.
biological process
    GO:0007155    cell adhesion    The attachment of a cell, either to another cell or to an underlying substrate such as the extracellular matrix, via cell adhesion molecules.
    GO:0033622    integrin activation    The aggregation, arrangement and bonding together of an integrin, a heterodimeric adhesion receptor formed by the non-covalent association of particular alpha and beta subunits, that lead to the increased affinity of the integrin for its extracellular ligands.
    GO:0007229    integrin-mediated signaling pathway    A series of molecular signals initiated by the binding of extracellular ligand to an integrin on the surface of a target cell, and ending with regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. transcription.
    GO:0007159    leukocyte cell-cell adhesion    The attachment of a leukocyte to another cell via adhesion molecules.
    GO:0070527    platelet aggregation    The adhesion of one platelet to one or more other platelets via adhesion molecules.
    GO:0030335    positive regulation of cell migration    Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of cell migration.
    GO:0033632    regulation of cell-cell adhesion mediated by integrin    Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of cell-cell adhesion mediated by integrin.
    GO:0034446    substrate adhesion-dependent cell spreading    The morphogenetic process that results in flattening of a cell as a consequence of its adhesion to a substrate.
cellular component
    GO:0030054    cell junction    A cellular component that forms a specialized region of connection between two or more cells or between a cell and the extracellular matrix. At a cell junction, anchoring proteins extend through the plasma membrane to link cytoskeletal proteins in one cell to cytoskeletal proteins in neighboring cells or to proteins in the extracellular matrix.
    GO:0042995    cell projection    A prolongation or process extending from a cell, e.g. a flagellum or axon.
    GO:0070062    extracellular exosome    A vesicle that is released into the extracellular region by fusion of the limiting endosomal membrane of a multivesicular body with the plasma membrane. Extracellular exosomes, also simply called exosomes, have a diameter of about 40-100 nm.
    GO:0016020    membrane    A lipid bilayer along with all the proteins and protein complexes embedded in it an attached to it.
    GO:0002102    podosome    An actin-rich adhesion structure characterized by formation upon cell substrate contact and localization at the substrate-attached part of the cell, contain an F-actin-rich core surrounded by a ring structure containing proteins such as vinculin and talin, and have a diameter of 0.5 mm.


(-) Interactive Views

NMR Structure
  Complete Structure
    Jena3D(integrated viewing of ligand, site, SAP, PROSITE, SCOP information)
    WebMol | AstexViewer[tm]@PDBe
(Java Applets, require no local installation except for Java; loading may be slow)
(Java WebStart application, automatic local installation, requires Java; full application with system access!)
(require local installation)
    Molscript (VRML)
(requires installation of a VRML viewer; select preferred view via VRML and generate a mono or stereo PDF format file)
  Ligands, Modified Residues, Ions
(no "Ligands, Modified Residues, Ions" information available for 2ys3)
(no "Sites" information available for 2ys3)
  Cis Peptide Bonds
    Ala A:49 - Pro A:50   [ RasMol ]  

(-) Still Images

  protein: cartoon or spacefill or dots and stick; nucleic acid: cartoon and stick; ligands: spacefill; active site: stick
  protein, nucleic acid: cartoon; ligands: spacefill; active site: ball and stick

 Databases and Analysis Tools

(-) Databases

Access by PDB/NDB ID
    Family and Domain InformationProDom | SYSTERS
    General Structural InformationGlycoscienceDB | MMDB | NDB | OCA | PDB | PDBe | PDBj | PDBsum | PDBWiki | PQS | PROTEOPEDIA
    Orientation in MembranesOPM
    Protein SurfaceSURFACE
    Secondary StructureDSSP (structure derived) | HSSP (homology derived)
    Structural GenomicsGeneCensus
    Structural NeighboursCE | VAST
    Structure ClassificationCATH | Dali | SCOP
    Validation and Original DataBMRB Data View | BMRB Restraints Grid | EDS | PROCHECK | RECOORD | WHAT_CHECK
Access by UniProt ID/Accession number
    Comparative Protein Structure ModelsModBase
    Genomic InformationEnsembl
    Protein-protein InteractionDIP
    Sequence, Family and Domain InformationInterPro | Pfam | SMART | UniProtKB/SwissProt
Access by Enzyme Classificator   (EC Number)
  (no 'Enzyme Classificator' available)
    General Enzyme InformationBRENDA | EC-PDB | Enzyme | IntEnz
    PathwayKEGG | MetaCyc
Access by Disease Identifier   (MIM ID)
  (no 'MIM ID' available)
    Disease InformationOMIM
Access by GenAge ID
  (no 'GenAge ID' available)
    Age Related InformationGenAge

(-) Analysis Tools

Access by PDB/NDB ID
    Domain InformationXDom
    Interatomic Contacts of Structural UnitsCSU
    Ligand-protein ContactsLPC
    Protein CavitiescastP
    Sequence and Secondary StructurePDBCartoon
    Structure AlignmentSTRAP(Java WebStart application, automatic local installation, requires Java; full application with system access!)
    Structure and Sequence BrowserSTING
Access by UniProt ID/Accession number
    Protein Disorder PredictionDisEMBL | FoldIndex | GLOBPLOT (for more information see DisProt)

 Related Entries

(-) Entries Sharing at Least One Protein Chain (UniProt ID)

(no "Entries Sharing at Least One Protein Chain" available for 2YS3)

(-) Related Entries Specified in the PDB File

(no "Related Entries Specified in the PDB File" available for 2YS3)