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 Hetero Components  (1, 2)   Info  
 Sites  (2, 2)   Info  
 SAPs(SNPs)/Variants  (0, 0)   
 PROSITE Patterns/Profiles  (0, 0)   
 Exons  (0, 0)   
 SCOP Domains  (1, 2)   Info
 CATH Domains  (0, 0)   
 Pfam Domains  (1, 2)   Info

 Atom Selection  (currently selected atoms: all)

 Rendering   (selected part)

 Molecule Coloring   (selected part)

 Background Coloring


 Graphics Window
     x  pixel          


 Script      Example Commands  


Note: In this "Basic Interface" any change in the selection of a pulldown menu automatically triggers an action (one-step mechanism).
View and selection are coupled in the structure specific controls (e.g. "Hetero","PROSITE") .

  by PDB,NDB,UniProt,PROSITE Code or Search Term(s)  
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  You can upload any molecular structure file format that is recognized by Jmol,
e.g.: PDB, mmCif, CIF, CML, MOL, XYZ
(also compressed with 'gzip', see the Jmol documentation for a complete list)
JenaLib Atlas Page  |  Sequence/Alignment View